How I’m Building a Support Network

Roman Bromidge
5 min readOct 18, 2019

My support network is key to everything that I do. Here’s some of my thoughts about it, and how I’m going about making mine even stronger.

The power of having someone there, keeping an eye out just in case, increases your capability to do big things because you know that if something does go wrong they can help you.

Who do we go to when we have problems? Our family? Our friends? Our institutions? There is a complex web of interwoven support networks available to us, but often it can feel like we are very much alone in our efforts to tackle the big issues facing us in our day to day lives.

Building a support network that is tailored to our needs is, I think, one of the most essential parts of becoming a fully independent adult. This may seem confusing, isn’t having a support network a sign of dependence? How can we be independent when we rely on other people, surely we must just buck up and face everything ourselves?

I think that the opposite is true. Acknowledging that the world is a big and often scary place and that we might need help along the way seems to be a sign of humility and wisdom. Even the strongest person can’t face everything alone and those who have tried in the past, from our…

