Published inFlutter CommunityOn-Device ML using Flutter and TensorFlow Lite (pt.2): Consume your trained model in FlutterThis is a two-part article on On-Device ML using Flutter; this article deals with the part of building the Flutter app that consumes…Jul 15, 20232Jul 15, 20232
Published inFlutter CommunityOn-Device ML using Flutter and TensorFlow Lite (pt.1): Model TrainingThis is a two-part article on On-Device ML using Flutter; this article deals with the model-training part of the tutorial; see part 2 of…Jul 15, 20231Jul 15, 20231
Published inITNEXTSimple Sliding Side Bar for your Angular Web AppsA Series of Web Components that you can create in Angular and avoid having to import a whole library for it. In this post I’ll be creating…Aug 27, 20203Aug 27, 20203
Published inITNEXTSimple Wizard Stepper for your Angular Web AppsA Series of Web Components that you can create in Angular and avoid having to import a whole library for it. In this post I’ll be creating…Aug 21, 20204Aug 21, 20204
Published inITNEXTSimple Splash Screen for your Angular Web Apps and PWAsA Series of Web Components that you can create in Angular and avoid having to import a whole library for it. In this post I’ll be creating…Aug 18, 20204Aug 18, 20204
Serving Icons for your Web Apps: Tips and TricksWhether you pull them from third-party CDNs, serve them individually yourself or encode them in your CSS, it all depends on your web app…Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
Published inFlutter CommunityAuthenticate with a Gmail Account in your Flutter apps using Firebase AuthenticationMake your users feel secure while using your apps, while providing the convenience of leveraging an existing Gmail account for…Jan 10, 20205Jan 10, 20205
Published inFlutter CommunityImplement Real-time Location Updates on Google Maps in FlutterMove your Google Map pins Uber-style!Dec 6, 201918Dec 6, 201918
Envuelve tus API alrededor de las IU conversacionales con respuestas enriquecidas usando DialogFlowRecientemente, he desarrollado una página web en versión mobile para el Granite State Code Camp (campamento de código en New Hampshire…Dec 3, 2019Dec 3, 2019
Published inFlutter CommunityAdd A Custom Info Window to your Google Map Pins in FlutterIn a simple, elegant, and yet non-intrusive way, you can customize the way you display information upon tapping on your Google Map Pins.Dec 2, 20196Dec 2, 20196