Can we trade with Mars today? The answer is Yes.

Roman Koshlyak
2 min readDec 14, 2016


I was watching a video on TroidAd and one video was saying that Bitcoin accepted on Mars. That sparked my curiosity and got me wondering.

Is it really possible to trade with Mars today?

Your first reaction understandably would be that this is not possible as of now. But if you have an intention and you spend some time brainstorming and researching it, you will find out that it is possible today.

I’ve spent the last couple of days thinking about what would be the easiest way to implement a first commercial transaction between Earth and Mars.

But first, a couple of definitions.

A commercial transaction between Earth and Mars is a transaction between one participant on Earth and another participant on Mars.

A participant’s location for Bitcoin is a location of a private key.

When we’re looking at Bitcoin transaction and if one private key of Bitcoin transaction located in Germany and another one in France, we can say that this is a Bitcoin transaction between Germany and France. Therefore, if the first private key is located on Earth and another private key located on Mars, then this transaction would be between Earth and Mars.

We have a lot of participants on the planet Earth and we have 2 possible participants on Mars, which are Curiosity and Opportunity. If NASA will place a private Bitcoin keys on Curiosity and Opportunity, even better if they will generate them on Mars, and provide public keys to people of Earth. We would be able to trade with Mars by paying to Curiosity and Opportunity for their long time work for humanity.

This simple design will allow people of Earth to participate in interplanetary commerce and will cost NASA 0$ to implement.

