5 reasons why technocracy is nearby.

Roman Wiligut
4 min readMay 30, 2019


Hello, my dear friends!

Today I would like to tell you about how deeply technical progress has come into our lives, helping us figure out how life works.

What is the beginning of any business? Of course, with the management! A business without any control is chaos. But how important is it?

We know from history about many political regimes, but only a few of them turned out to be turned out to work. Communism is a fairy tale, oligarchy is not viable, nationalism is short-lived, and democracy is false. Capitalism is the only contender still standing, which proves its viability. But there is another system that has (very formal: put “yet” here) not been realized yet — technocracy.

The official symbol of technocracy

In a technocracy, power belongs to scientific and technical experts. Selection for management positions occurs using tests. For example, political scientists are responsible for political science with the corresponding competencies, and medical experts for medical policy and management. It doesn’t matter whether you were born into a wealthy or low-income family; you have every chance to get this or that position, proving that you are capable of performing within it. The principles of family ties, corruption, etc. do not work here.

Do you think this is a Utopia? Maybe some people will say so. But progress does not stand still, and since the advent of neural networks and blockchain technology, such a future seems more real every day.

For example, the creation of a decentralized system, which is based on the results of the data obtained, can understand the tests passed by candidates and appoint managers according to their characteristics. For example, in many companies, AI has already replaced middle management.

Candidates themselves must be aware of their role and mission in this position and belief in their purpose (without fanaticism, of course). Those who are successful will receive a level of pay equal to top managers in the private sector. They would have a good income after long service and, possibly, would have to take an annual polygraph on whether they had taken bribes or not, along with many other questions.

Why is this not possible to do with the state? Take a small country the size of Liechtenstein as a test case, and prove that such a system has the right to exist, because in fact in large corporations it already works.

Reason # 1

Equality of opportunity. Over the past century, mankind has made a huge technological leap. Many people simply do not have time to keep pace with progress. And if you are lagging behind progress, then you are left behind.

The development of technology will require humanity to reassess of many problems whose solutions had previously seemed self-evident. In many modern countries, regardless of your education, you have a chance to break horizons that were almost impossible to reach a hundred years ago due to the class affiliation, material wealth, etc.

In a technocratic state, anyone can attain a leading position, with the exception of an AI position, of course.

Reason # 2

They have no track record of failure. Throughout history, no technocratic party has yet come to power in any country, but all other political regimes have actively demonstrated their inefficacy. So technocrats have every chance to demonstrate their “necessity” for society and bring it to a new level.

Reason # 3

Awareness of global issues. Relatively recently, people have begun to pay more attention to the environment. There have been “green” parties, volunteer organizations and laws aimed at eliminating the effects of the technological impact of people on nature and the planet as a whole. However, all current systems to select national leaders necessarily assess them at the scale of those nations, and are therefore far from guaranteed to provide good global outcomes.

Reason # 4

The problem of space exploration. Yes, strange as it may sound, it is precisely this problem that is now acutely facing humanity. The longer space programs lay abandoned, the more threats proliferate (Global warming, overpopulation, the destruction of civilization by a virus, etc.).

Reason # 5

Control. In large companies such as Apple or Tesla, the personnel management system is now completely different from what we used to see before. Here, people are selected for a position on the basis of skills, development, etc. In essence, these are the new organizations of the future, where the priority is not so much money, but technology and a vision of the future. At the moment, Tesla does not bring high returns to its investors — rather the opposite — but people still continue to invest in it. It is with such companies that the next step towards a technocratic society will begin. More information about the organizations of the future can be found in a book by Frederick Lal, “Organizations of the future”.

Money in the world of technocrats has a secondary role: in the new world, skills and intelligence are much more decisive factors. These two qualities will launch/take us into a new orbit.

More people today have the means to live, but they don’t have the meaning of life.
Victor Frankl

Are you ready to enter a new world?



Roman Wiligut

Growth Hacker, tech enthusiast, journalist, futurist, entrepreneur. I believe in technical progress.