QuickBooks Error 6190: Fixing the Company File Error

3 min readApr 19, 2024
QuickBooks Error 6190

Staring at the dreaded QuickBooks Error 6190 message and being unable to open your company file can be a major productivity killer. This error often pops up when attempting to access your QuickBooks data, leaving you wondering what went wrong. But fear not, accounting workers! This guide equips you with all the tools to fix this issue and regain access to your crucial financial information.

Whether you’re a solo user or working in a team environment, this guide will empower you to weed out this issue efficiently & reliably. You just have to follow all the sections & sub-sections of the blog to gain all the technical information.

To get proper technical help regarding QuickBooks Error 6190, dial 1–855–856–0042 to contact our QB Experts Team.

6190 Error Message Code in QuickBooks: Top Technical Reasons

Here are all the accurate reasons behind the appearance of the 6190 Error Message Code in QuickBooks:

  1. Single-User Mode: Another user might be accessing the same file, preventing yours from opening (common in multi-user setups).
  2. Network Issues: Corrupted network data or firewall restrictions could disrupt communication with the file on a shared server.
  3. Corrupted Data: Damaged company files can cause internal errors, leading to this irksome issue when attempting to open them.

Related Post to Read: Why Does QuickBooks Keep Losing Connection

QB Company File 6190 Error Code: Accurate Resolutions

Here are all the accurate resolutions for QB Company File 6190 Error Code on the computer:

Resolution 1: Ensure that no user is functioning in single-user mode on your multi-user network setup

  1. Ensure no other users have the company file open in single-user mode on your network.
  2. Communicate with your team to confirm nobody is currently accessing the same company file on the network.
  3. If someone is using it, politely request that they close the file properly to avoid conflicts on your multi-user network setup.

Resolution 2: Validate company file permission settings & check the location of the company file

  1. Instantly, after right-clicking the QuickBooks company file icon, you must select the Properties tab to access the Properties window.
  2. Just shift to the Security tab and ensure that your user account has Read and Modify permissions for the same company file.
  3. Double-check the file location inside the same folder. If the company file has been moved, update QuickBooks to point to the correct path.

Resolution 3: Simply tackle this issue by utilizing the QB File Doctor tool on your computer

  1. In this resolution, just download & install QB Tool Hub from the Intuit site (www.intuit.com ) & finish the tool hub installation using the correct process.
  2. After getting the QB Tool Hub window, open the Company File Issues tab & instantly access the Run QuickBooks File Doctor tool.
  3. Enter your admin password & execute the tool so that all the data file defects are tackled.
  4. Finally, you can open the required data file using the QB Desktop application window on the screen.

The resolutions discussed above are enough to root out QuickBooks Error 6190. For more help, simply dial 1–855–856–0042 to reach out to our QB Technical Professionals Team.

Read More: How to Fix QuickBooks Error 6130

