How to Apply Per Scholad Computer Donation

Milee Brown
7 min readJan 12, 2024


Welcome to the Per Scholas blog, where we’re passionate about bridging the digital divide and providing access to technology for all. In this post, we’ll be sharing valuable insights on how to apply for a donated computer through our program. Whether you’re a student in need of a reliable device for your studies or someone looking to enhance their career prospects, Per Scholas is here to help you take that first step towards success. So let’s dive right in and explore the eligibility requirements, application process, and tips for creating a strong application!

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Eligibility Requirements for Receiving a Donated Computer

At Per Scholas, we believe that access to technology should not be limited by financial constraints.

That’s why our donated computer program is designed to support individuals who may not have the means to purchase their own device. To ensure fairness and make the most impact, we do have eligibility requirements in place.

First and foremost, applicants must demonstrate a genuine need for a computer. This could include being enrolled in an educational program or training course where having a personal device is essential for success.

Additionally, individuals seeking employment opportunities or career advancement can also apply.

We also take income into consideration when evaluating applications. Our aim is to reach those who truly cannot afford their own computers, so there are income thresholds that applicants must meet.

Another important factor we consider is residency status. While our programs primarily focus on supporting residents of specific cities or regions, some initiatives may be open to wider geographic areas.

It’s worth noting that meeting these eligibility criteria does not guarantee you will receive a donated computer immediately. Due to high demand and limited resources, there might be waiting periods involved as well as prioritization based on individual circumstances.

Our goal at Per Scholas is to provide equal opportunities through technology access, ensuring that everyone has the tools they need to thrive in today’s digital world. So if you meet the eligibility requirements outlined above and are ready to take your next step towards success with a donated computer, let’s move forward together!

>>>>Donate a Computer / Get Donated Computer Now<<<<

The Application Process: Step-by-Step Guide

So, you’ve decided to apply for a donated computer from Per Scholas? That’s great news! Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the application process.

Step 1: Visit the Per Scholas website

Start by visiting the official Per Scholas website. Take your time exploring their programs and resources to familiarize yourself with what they offer. It’s important to have a clear understanding of their mission and values before moving forward with your application.

Step 2: Determine eligibility

Next, review the eligibility requirements carefully. Make sure you meet all the necessary criteria and gather any required documents or information that may be needed during the application process.

Step 3: Complete the online application form

Once you are confident that you meet all the eligibility requirements, proceed with filling out the online application form. Provide accurate and detailed information about yourself, including your contact details and why you believe you should receive a donated computer.

Step 4: Submit supporting documentation if required

Depending on your circumstances, additional supporting documentation may be requested. This could include proof of income, residency status, or enrollment in specific programs. Ensure that you have all necessary documents ready to upload when prompted.

Step 5: Double-check everything before submission

Before hitting that submit button, take some time to review your application thoroughly. Check for any spelling or grammatical errors in your responses and make sure all sections are completed accurately.

Remember, competition for donated computers can be high, so it’s crucial to present yourself well through this written application!

Now that we’ve covered each step of the process let’s move on to some tips for creating a strong application in our next section! Stay tuned!

>>>>Donate a Computer / Get Donated Computer Now<<<<

Tips for Creating a Strong Application

When it comes to applying for a donated computer from Per Scholas, creating a strong application is crucial. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of receiving this valuable resource.

Take the time to thoroughly read and understand the eligibility requirements. Make sure you meet all the criteria before proceeding with your application. This will save both yours and Per Scholas’ time.

Next, be clear and concise in your application. Provide relevant information about yourself, including why you need a computer and how it will positively impact your life or education. Use specific examples to illustrate your point.

Additionally, highlight any special circumstances that may make you an ideal candidate for a donated computer.

Are you facing financial hardships? Are there any unique challenges that hinder your access to technology? Be honest and transparent about these situations.

Furthermore, consider including letters of recommendation or testimonials from teachers, mentors, or employers who can vouch for your character and dedication.

These additional documents can strengthen your application and provide further evidence of why you deserve a donated computer.

Proofread! Ensure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors in your application as this reflects poorly on attention to detail. Take the time to review each section before submitting it.

By following these tips, you’ll have a stronger chance of standing out among other applicants when seeking a donated computer through Per Scholas’ program.

>>>>Donate a Computer / Get Donated Computer Now<<<<

What Happens After You Submit Your Application?

After you submit your application for a donated computer through Per Scholas, the waiting game begins. Once your application is received, it will be reviewed by their team of experts to determine if you meet the eligibility requirements. This process may take some time, so it’s important to be patient.

If your application is accepted, you will receive an email notification informing you of next steps. You may be asked to provide additional documentation or information to verify your eligibility. It’s crucial that you respond promptly and provide accurate information to ensure a smooth process.

Once all necessary documentation has been submitted and verified, Per Scholas will work diligently to match you with a suitable computer donation based on your needs and preferences. They understand that every individual has unique circumstances and strive to find the best fit for each recipient.

When a compatible donation becomes available, Per Scholas will contact you again with details about how and when you can collect your computer. Depending on availability, this could happen relatively quickly or may take some time.

Upon receiving your donated computer, it’s essential that you follow any guidelines provided by Per Scholas regarding its use and maintenance. They want recipients to get the most out of their computers while ensuring they are used responsibly.

Remember that receiving a donated computer from Per Scholas is not just about getting a piece of technology — it’s also an opportunity for personal growth and professional development. Take advantage of any resources or support offered by Per Scholas throughout this process.

After submitting your application for a donated computer through Per Scholas, there is a review period followed by potential requests for additional documentation before being matched with an appropriate donation based on your needs. Once selected as a recipient, guidelines should be followed closely while taking advantage of resources offered by Per Scholas along the way.

>>>>Donate a Computer / Get Donated Computer Now<<<<

Additional Resources and Support from Per Scholas

Per Scholas not only provides donated computers to eligible individuals, but they also offer additional resources and support to help recipients make the most of their new technology. Whether you’re a student looking for educational opportunities or an adult seeking career advancement, Per Scholas is committed to helping you succeed.

One valuable resource available is access to digital skills training. Per Scholas offers a variety of courses that can enhance your IT skills and increase your employability in the tech industry.

From introductory classes on computer fundamentals to more specialized training in coding and software development, there’s something for everyone.

In addition to technical training, Per Scholas also provides job placement assistance. Their dedicated team works closely with local employers to connect graduates with job opportunities in the field.

They offer resume workshops, interview preparation sessions, and networking events to help candidates stand out in their job search.

Furthermore, Per Scholas understands that having access to affordable internet service is essential in today’s digital age.

That’s why they partner with various organizations to provide discounted or free internet options for qualified recipients.

Once you become a part of the Per Scholas community, you gain access to a supportive network of peers and mentors who are passionate about helping others succeed in the world of technology.

This sense of belonging can be invaluable as you navigate your journey towards achieving your goals.

By providing not just computers but also additional resources such as skills training programs, job placement assistance, discounted internet options, and a supportive community network; Per Scholas goes above and beyond in ensuring that recipients have all the tools necessary for success.

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Receiving a donated computer from Per Scholas can be an invaluable resource for individuals and families in need. By understanding the eligibility requirements and following the step-by-step application process, you can increase your chances of being selected for this life-changing opportunity.

Remember to take your time when completing the application, ensuring that all information is accurate and compelling. Highlighting your specific needs, goals, and how having a computer would positively impact your life is essential to creating a strong application.

Once you have submitted your application, it’s important to remain patient while waiting for a response. Per Scholas carefully reviews each submission and selects recipients based on their individual circumstances.

