Gentrification In Bayview Hunters Point

Rome Mack Rogers
4 min readMay 18, 2016


Bay view Hunters Point is the unforgotten marginalized part of San Francisco America pretends does not exist. Gentrification in Bay view Hunters Point a non profit organization with a goal to stand up against Gentrification in San Francisco’s Bay view Hunters Point community. Gentrification in Bay view Hunters Point gives and sheds light on the unheard voices and residents that are negatively impacted by Gentrification.

Gentrification is a trend in urban neighborhoods, which results in increased property values and the displacing of lower-income families and small businesses. This is a common and controversial topic in urban planing .It refers to shifts in an urban community lifestyle and an increasing share of wealthier residents and/or businesses and increasing property values.Gentrification may be viewed as “correction” of blockbusting and urban flight as many gentrified neighborhoods of the present were once affluent neighborhoods of the past.

Gentrification breaks down original community centers and parks for children in the community with plans of renovations. #Savehunterspoint

Where are the original residents of these homes Gentrification has forced long term residents to be moved out of their homes and communities. #Save HuntersPoint

Mr. Monroe Hunters Point resident for 47 years talks gentrification , renovations and watching the hunters point community get built. As well as being forced out of his community, detailing the changes and outcomes of gentrification in Bay view Hunters Point #SaveHuntersPoint

The streets and community of Bayview Hunters Point will never be the same. Community and local resource centers have been closed, shutdown and up for renovations for more market rate rent which forces original community members out. #SaveHuntersPoint

Residents of the Bay view Hunters Point community have been forced to move to more affordable cities across the bay due to the dramatic change in rent. These housing developers force residents out and give them vouchers to more affordable cities across the east bay such as Vallejo, Antioch, Stockton etc. With the intentions on cleaning up the crime ridden neighborhoods. Which has an ripple effect on the Bay Area because those same people who had problems with each other causing violence are doing it in other cities. Cities like Antioch over the past couple years has had an dramatic increase in population and violence due to gentrification. #SanFrancisco

23 year old resident Dyvon Johnson expresses himself on living in gentrification. As well as what its like to be marginalized and forced out of one’s own community due to market rate rent expenses. Also, shedding light on the harsh realities that come with gentrification as well as not being able to raise his family in the community he grew up in#SaveHunterspoint

Not only is gentrification an occurring issue in the Bayview Hunters Point district as well as the mission neighborhood and china town. Gentrification destroys communities.


The mission district considered to be one of San Francisco’s poorest neighborhoods 25 years ago, now under gentrification the mission can be compared to some parts of the south bay such as Sunnyvale. While the mission’s average income is around 74,000 its own its way to higher levels according to recent economic trends. #Gentrificationsanfrancisco

Big conglomerates and housing developers target poor and crime ridden neighborhoods communities in San Francisco such as the mission district and the Bayview Hunters Point community. With the intentions for change. But to change a community you don't strip the community and culture by taking the people out you build with the people with in the community. #SaveHunters Point

Gentrification can be a good and useful element to the inner city streets of poor communities. instead of taking down the original homes and building malls and high rise condo’s. Building institutions with in the community can provide change such as remodeling libraries, opening resource centers for troubled youths and adults. #SaveHuntersPoint

*All pictures captured and taken by Roman Rogers

