Enthusiastic Locals and Indonesian Diaspora Celebrate Indonesia’s 78th Anniversary in Japan

Andrew Fangidae
2 min readSep 11, 2023


The Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo organized the ‘Rumah Budaya Indonesia’ (RBI) Event, a cultural festivity that commemorates the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. It took place at Balai Indonesia on Saturday, August 26th, 2023, and was attended by 60 Japanese guests.

The event aimed to introduce the rich cultural diversity of Indonesia, including language and cuisine, to the Japanese community.🌍🍲

Full video audio news >> https://youtu.be/TMluOIApcVk

Imelda Coutrier, a diaspora cultural activist, gave an explanation of the different types of Soto from various regions in Indonesia.

In addition to soto, a variety of refreshing iced drinks were also served.

The festivities continued with traditional games such as sack races, and cracker eating competitions.

“Tanoshikatta (it was very exciting),” said one of the participants shortly after participating in the sack race and cracker eating competition.

Yusli Wardiatno, Education and Culture Attaché at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all participants.

“All participants have made this event so lively and meaningful,” Yusli said.

“The Soto Semarang and Es Cendol served today are only a small part of the hundreds or even thousands of Indonesian culinary specialties.

I invite Japanese citizens who are present today, come visit Indonesia, and do culinary tours in various parts of Indonesia,” said Atdikbud Yusli.

Yusli also hoped that the RBI event could increase the harmony of cultural cooperation between the two countries.



Andrew Fangidae

Just an ordinary person who actively writing and share news, articles, and features in accordance to sustainable education, culture, research, and technology.