Week 1–#30DayVeganChallenge

Romina Bassignana
2 min readJun 11, 2020


Hello, VeganNation community!

My name is Romina and I’m so excited to announce that I’m part of the 30 Day Vegan Challenge. It has been one week since I officially started my vegan transformation, 7 days of fueling my body with natural superfoods. Being mindful of what you give to your body is something that has always been so important to me! The more you know about the importance of food, the better choices you will make.

Having a balanced nutrition not only benefits your overall health or physical appearance, but it also helps you have a more positive mindset and be happy from the inside, which is reflected in all areas in your life: relationships, jobs, school, etc. Fueling your body with whole foods is the best medicine and the best kind of self love you can give to yourself.

This week of being vegan has been a great challenge for me. At the beginning I was doubting myself as I have never been a vegan before, and honestly I was not sure about how I was going to make it. My inner passion for health, fitness, and nutrition led me to go for it to learn more about the wonders of a vegan nutrition, and what better way of learning something new than experiencing it, right?

It has been 1 week of starting to give my body exactly what it needs, and it truly feels like I am having a total cleanse of my body, mind, and soul! I can’t wait for the next weeks of the challenge and share with you about my progress.

Even though I have had a healthy nutrition for the past years, changing my old habits to a 100% plant-based diet has been amazing! I feel my body more clean, more light, and more happy. I strongly believe that we are what we eat, and nourishing our body with colored fruits and vegetables and less processed food is the best gift we can give to ourselves.

