The enlightened perspective of animals around death and dying.

Rommie Buhler
6 min readApr 7, 2022

She was crumpled against the shower recess unable to move, an empty look in her eye and a nervous system unable to muster the function to help her stand.

Nudging 100 in doggy years and with a body that is failing, Heidi is sending her huMum into lofty states of unrest and anticipatory grief.

Have you ever experienced that time when your pet is coming to the end of their life and you’re unsure how to navigate the impending challenges? They’re forever listless, have that glazed, expressionless stare and seem to have lost their spirit. You see them stumble and fall and they’ve all but stopped eating.

It’s crushing isn’t it!

You cart them back and forth to the vet trying to extend their life for just that little bit longer because you think that’s the right thing to do (and, just quietly, you’re really not ready to let them go). You feel so incredibly helpless and sad for them (and yourself) that grief starts to rumble towards you like a freight train. You’re racked with guilt as you remember all the things you didn’t do that you could have and all the quality time you should have spent with them when they weren’t at the top of your priority list.

It’s a thick, swirling vat of turmoil, grief, guilt and empty wishes.

What if I told you animals see death as merely a word you’d find in a dictionary — something that creates far more angst to us than them. Enlightened and pragmatic they are, as to them the process of dying is purely a shift in energetic state — one they understand, accept and fully embrace, unlike many of us raised in a western culture where we fear death.

For those of us fortunate enough to have animals in our lives it is true that we would have a connection with them. When we engage with them from the heart we can understand them on a certain level, but often we’re not seeing the full picture. We can observe body language, think or know certain things, but it can be an incomplete view. When we can communicate with them from a higher perspective, that is we speak with them through their silent language of sharing images, words and feelings, we are able to see the whole picture. We see the truth behind behaviours, psychological and physical problems.

This “higher state” is the place I work from when I am having a one-on-one with animals. I have had more conversations than I can count with people’s pets that have crossed the rainbow bridge or are in the process of doing so and every single one of them has shared the same sentiment — they don’t fear death, they embrace the transformation of energy as a part of the living process and they never blame their people for their own perceived wrongdoings.

I would like to share with you a short interview I had with a pair of “SpokesPets” that came to chat on behalf of all animals about this very subject.

Me: What would you like to say about death?

SpokesPets: Well for a start, there is no death as it is viewed in your world. You could say it’s a more recycled approach — we change form, our physical body returns to earth, but we are not gone, there is no finality.

The more you live with a conscious awareness of what is going on within you, around you and beyond you and create change from that mindset, the longer, healthier and more vibrantly you shall all exist. Until that time, there will be constant dis-ease and suffering for all that exists in this universe.

Me: What would you like to say to the people that have pets that do their best to care for you, but when it comes time for you to pass it is so difficult for them to live free of grief and regret?

SpokesPets: Don’t judge a book by its cover. Never fear pain, pain is a part of life; it is just a form of energy. People try to master “pain avoidance” — physical and emotional pain, but it will chase you down as much as you try and run away from it. If an animal shows themselves to be in pain leading up to their transmutation it is not a pain of the Soul, it is only a physical pain that we have no attachment to.

We align with our Soul which means we are less physically sensitive in our bodies so what you see is not how we feel. This is important, until people begin to find awareness in the true meaning of life and learn to understand and fear death less this will help soften your grief. Humans are very prone to remembering final moments in an animal’s life and if that visually shows as torturous pain and suffering then the level of grief will equal the memory of the transition which need not be the case.

Me: How would you ultimately like to transition into your next phase?

SpokesPets: Of course that is as nature intended — naturally and on our own terms. That is the only way, that is the way of the natural world.

Is it for your convenience of schedule that you prefer intervention?

Is it that you can’t wait it out because it “feels” too overwhelming for you? That is something to be considered and addressed within yourself.

Is it that you “think” we would prefer to be out of our presumed suffering? Where would that education have come from to land at that conclusion? That also needs to be addressed in your upbringing and schooling.

People must stop fearing death, it is literally killing you. Unresolved fear changes the weave of your energy patterns creating distress, disharmony and disease. As equally as you fear death, you fear ageing. You must educate yourself more around the truth of life; it is merely one continual transformation of energy.

You also need to stop leaning on us so much, we must not become your pin cushions with your erratic flux of wavering emotions. If you are choosing to care for one of us in your homes, you are agreeing to be responsible for us while we are with you on this earth plane and with that responsibility you must caretake your emotional health.

Me: What is your advice to the people and their fear?

SpokesPets: Face it head on. The sense of fear will kill you, not the thing you’re fearing. Face it, free it and combust it.

Case in point if I rewind this conversation back to Heidi, our almost centenarian with an ailing physical body discussing with me how she feels in her final days. There is no doubt she is rather nauseous and has a headache, but you couldn’t buy the sense of contentment and happiness that surrounds her. She was quick to reiterate that her physical health was not an indicator of her mental health at this time in her life — her connection to her physical sensations and experience do not exist in her mind. Heidi is 100% tranquility and peace.

How much better off would we all be if we could take a leaf out of the animals’ perspective book on life. If we took a moment to stop and listen we would realize that animals are one of our greatest teachers. It is a relationship after all, and as with all relationships, it can do a grand job of waking us up to our true selves.

Is it time you became your pet’s most attentive and diligent student?



Rommie Buhler

Rommie Buhler is a Holistic Animal Health Coach who intuitively converses with animals for those times we need the whole picture to help heal and care for them.