Dima Zaitsev became virtual currency debit card RON ’s adviser.who has helped raise a total of 69.1billion dollars, former ICOBOX’s top international public relations officer, and the author of VentureBeat.

2 min readAug 20, 2019


Block-chain startup [RON]is a crypto asset project that promotes the early realization of a cashless society in [RONcoin,RONwollet,RONcard]

EXTRAVAGANZA INTERNATIONAL,INC.(The head office:Delaware,United State,CEO: Atsushi Hisatsui)that develop applications related to influencers and marketing support for company.invited Dima Zaitsev as an adviser to the Global Marketing Strategy Office for a new project[RON].

RON global marketing adviser: Dima Zaitsev,PhD

Chain Twist: co-founder

(USA)VentureBeat, (EUR)FXstreet,
(EUR)Coinspeaker:auther(outside reporter)

ICOBox:former chief international public relations officer

Dima Zaitsev is an early cryptographer who began exploring bitcoins and block chain technologies in the 2014s.
He has a Ph.D. in economics and serves as an academic adviser to various scientific publications.
Co-founded the ChainTwist and have served as ICOBox’s international spokesman.
also works as an VentureBeat, FXStreet. com, Coinspeaker. com columnist and appears in many of the world’s top media such as Forbes.

ICO Marketing Company [ICOBox] has been the world’s leading provider of global marketing and sales of digital tokens issued by block chain companies, and has been the largest fund-raising company in any market.
Dima Zaitsev,PhD as the ICOBox’s international chief public relations officer, he has led successful token sales projects by many venture companies and contributed to the expansion of the ICOBox.

He is also a guest speaker at Asia’s largest block chain conference and at major block chain conferences held around the world.
reference: https://japan-blockchain-c.com

Dima Zaitsev,PhD’s appointment as an adviser was made possible by Atsushi Hisatsui, who was our founder and CEO and founder of PATRON and RON.

from now on, Dima Zaitsev,PhD will provide advice and comprehensive support, including support for the establishment of the RON Global Marketing Strategy Office, to guide RON to success.

Dime Zaitsev official

Official site
White paper

RON coin,RON wallet,RON card are the crypto asset wallet,a payment currency produced by RON project that flows in token economies created for SNS user.
If you have RON coins in your RON wallet in conjunction with a debit card, be able to pay by card in every situation as well as a conventional crypto asset wallet features.

Anyone who doesn’t have crypto asset yet or who doesn’t have a bank account in a developing country can easily buy crypto asset with a smartphone and an app.Ability to use debit cards in conjunction with smart phones in any country and anywhere.
As a conventional function, there is a general remittance and receipt also withdraw cash from ATM using a card.Handles distribution points within the services of the sharing economy”PATRON”produced by EXTRAVAGANZA GROUP.




Top project by Japanese people.Creating a next-generation service through influencers and giving every single person on the planet an equal chance to be success