Open Source Ruby on Rails projects

Ronak Bhatt
32 min readMay 12, 2023


Ruby on Rails Open Source applications

List of awesome open-source applications written in Ruby and Rails 🚀.


  • 🔥 new/hot/cool
  • 👴 old
  • ✅ real-world project
  • 🚀 super duper cool


  • mastodon — Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • manageiq — ManageIQ is an open-source Management Platform that delivers the insight, control, and automation that enterprises need to address the challenges of managing hybrid IT environments. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Gitlab — The canonical source of GitLab where all development takes place is hosted on 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Lobsters — Computing-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Discourse — A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — The code powering and 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Diaspora — A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • autolab — Course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments. 🔥 🚀 ✅
  • bluedoc — An open-source document management tool for enterprise self host. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • astuto — 🦊 A free, open source, self-hosted customer feedback tool 🔥 🚀 ✅
  • Chaskiq — A full featured Live Chat, Support & Marketing platform 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Chatwoot — Open-source live chat software, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Crisp etc. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • monocle — Link and news sharing 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • openstreetmap — The Rails application that powers OpenStreetMap 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • OpenFarm — A free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge. You can grow anything! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Openfoodnetwork — Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • airbnb_clone — Airbnb clone with React, Redux, and Rails backend. Allows users to sign up, find listings, book a stay and much more! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • SomeRecipes — Full-stack single-page application inspired by AllRecipes built on Ruby on Rails, React, and Redux 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • HyperLearn — Web app inspired by BrainScape flashcard studying platform to demonstrate React.js + Rails 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Change-App — Round-Up App to make a change in the world! 🔥 ✅
  • Discoded — Clone of Discord 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • iBuy — Full stack, SPA Ebay clone built with React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, & PostgreSQL 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • etsaclone — a single-page e-commerce web application that’s inspired by Etsy. 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • EventListenr — a single-page web application inspired by Eventbrite 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • eventlite — Eventbrite clone 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • PandaNote — PandaNote is an Evernote clone that uses a Rails backend with a React frontend 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • Whenevernote — Full-stack web application inspired by Evernote built using React/Redux and Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • acebook — Acebook is a clone of Facebook featuring profiles from professional poker players. 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • Flipr — Full stack clone of Flickr using React/Redux and Ruby on Rails 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • genius — So-Genius, a lyrics-annotation and discussion site using React.js, Rails and PostgresQL 👴 ✅
  • Annotator — Genius clone using a rails backend and react frontend 👴 🚀
  • moonboard — A moodboard inspired by gomoodboard. Built with Rails and Vue.js. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Greenhouse — Greenhouse is a full-stack clone of Indiegogo, built with Ruby on Rails and React.js 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • instants — Instants is a full-stack web application inspired by Instagram. 🔥 ✅
  • Instaqram — Instagram like, built with Rails 5.1, Webpacker, React, GraphQL, ApolloClient, Redux, ReactRouter, MaterialUI 👴 ✅
  • clone_instagram — web application inspired by Instagram for following the other users and sharing pictures. It was built using Ruby on Rails backend with PostgreSQL database and a React/Redux frontend. 👴 ✅
  • SocialBusinessStarter — A KickStarter clone built with Rails and React/Redux 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • Quickstarter — A single-page app inspired by Kickstarter that lets you start and fund projects. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • kicker — A full-stack website clone of Kickstarter built using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, React, and Redux. 🔥 ✅
  • Crank-starter — A single-page app inspired by Kickstarter. Ruby on Rails backend, React/Redux frontend 👴 ✅
  • Nformd — Nformd is a web application inspired by Medium that was built using Ruby on Rails and React.js. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • medium — Medium clone built with Ruby on Rails 👴 ✅
  • Medio — A full-stack web application inspired by Medium utilizing Ruby on Rails, React.js and Redux 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Graphql-Medium-Clone — GraphQL API of a Medium clone. Ready to use in your front end application 🔥 ✅
  • Message-Medium — A storytelling platform inspired by Medium 👴 🔥 ✅
  • ThinkPiece — A blogging website inspired by Medium 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • wiigo — A ‘Meetup’ clone made with Ruby on Rails and React/Redux. 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • spaceflix — Spaceflix is a pixel-perfect clone of Netflix 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • quora — Quora clone write in Ruby on Rails. 👴 ✅
  • Lamernews — Lamer news is an implementation of a Reddit / Hacker News style news web site written using Ruby, Sinatra, Redis and jQuery. 👴 🚀
  • Freddit — Reddit clone built using Rails and React/Flux. Just for fun! 👴 ✅
  • Mr.Hood — Robinhood inspired stock-trading full stack application using Rails, PostgreSQL, React.js, and Redux 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • robinhoops — A web-based game that appeals to both fantasy sport junkies and Wall Street traders who want to bet on professional athletes 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Leeway — A Slack clone implemented using a Rails backend and React/Redux frontend framework. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • DownBeat — a Spotify inspired web application streaming music player — Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, and PostgreSQL 👴 ✅
  • lucha — Strava clone app with a (slight) Spanish flavor. It uses a Rails/PostgreSQL backend, React.js and Redux on the frontend, and the Google Maps API for map interactivity. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • todoist-tribute — Todoist clone, written in Rails + Vue 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • open_todoist — Open source project inspired on 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • trello — A Trello clone made in Ruby on Rails and Vue.js 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • trello-clone — Project management boards with draggable lists and cards. Built with Rails and Vue.js 🔥 ✅
  • tasky — Kanban-style task manager on Ruby On Rails / React 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • micro-trello — Trello Clone in 9 commits. Lists have many tasks. Sort lists, tasks. Move tasks between lists 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • kanban — Kanban 看板 is a Trello clone in Rails and Backbone.js 👴 ✅
  • keepScrolling — Fullstack web application inspired by Tumblr. 🔥
  • Microvers-RoR-Capstone — This app behaves as a Twitter-lite app. It allows users to follow and unfollow other users 🔥 🚀
  • — A full-stack clone of the popular video game streaming service 🔥 ✅
  • edurge — Most advanced Udemy clone using Ruby on Rails 5. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Kelp — React/Redux and Rails app inspired by Yelp 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Findaloo — a Yelp-inspired web application designed to help New Yorkers find free and convenient restrooms in their local neighborhoods 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • WatchTube — A video-streaming and sharing single-page web app based on YouTube, built using Ruby on Rails and React/Redux 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • watchpoll — Watch a youtube playlist with others, and vote on the next video to be played democratically! 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Awesome App

  • theodinproject — Main Website for The Odin Project 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • pageflow — Multimedia story telling for the web. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • railscasts — This is the source code for the RailsCasts site. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Devdocs — combines multiple developer documentations in a clean and organized web UI 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Onebody — OneBody was open-source, web-based social networking, email list, online directory, and lightweight document management software for churches. 🔥 ✅
  • doesmystartupideasuck — Innovation incubation/Ideation platform. Share & discuss ideas. Vote for the best ones 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • archivesspace — The ArchivesSpace archives management tool 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Hugin — Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • mersea — Web app to manage and visualise geolocalized waste report 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • quick_search — A responsive (phone, tablet, desktop) full stack web application that allows user to quick filter a list of campgrounds using National Park Service’s open public API to pull campground-related data. 🔥
  • — A social network of lifelong learners built around humanity’s universal learning map.
  • Poemist — A web application for creating and sharing found poems. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • modern-datatables — They are many ways to build reactive web interfaces but do we really need to add the complexity of JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js or React? 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • kaiju — A drag and drop web editor for React components. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Diveboard — Main Diveboard Rails app 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • open-flights — A flight reviews app built with Ruby on Rails and React.js 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • palindrome_app — A palindrome detector Sinatra App 🔥
  • intelilex — Website with contact form 🔥
  • Cards-Against-the-internet — a clone web application of card game, Cards Against Humanity designed for online play. 🔥 ✅
  • polynews — AI enhanced news aggregation 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • illacceptanything — The project where literally anything* goes. 🔥
  • real-world-rails — Real World Rails applications and their open source codebases for developers to learn from 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • css-only-chat — A truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • enigma-chat — Real-time chat app that allows you to send encrypted messages using the World War II era Enigma encryption scheme. 👴 ✅


  • code_fund_ads — CodeFund is an open source platform that helps fund maintainers, bloggers, and builders through non-tracking ethical ads 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • Hypercable — Hypercable Analytics is a fully featured high performance scalable alternative to Google Analytics, build with timescaledb openresty redis and rails. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • abalone — A data tracking and analytics app for abalone conservation efforts. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • annict — The platform for anime addicts built with Rails and Stimulus.js. 🔥 🚀


  • art-book-app — 🖼 ArtBook is a full-stack web app for exploring art portfolios. Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, React+Redux. 🔥 🚀

Background Job

  • Sidekiq — Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • timeoverflow — 🏦 ⌛ A time banking system 🔥 ✅ 🚀



  • Jekyll — 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • forem — Forem is open source software for building communities that powers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • listed — Create an online publication with automatic email newsletters 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • enki — A Ruby on Rails blogging app for the fashionable developer. It’s better than Mephisto or SimpleLog 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • til — Today I Learned MagmaLab’s Server Implementation 🔥 🚀
  • transformative — IndieWeb personal website software. 🔥 🚀
  • Publify — A self hosted Web publishing platform on Rails. 🔥 ✅
  • Nanoc — A powerful web publishing system 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • hexopress — A tiny blogging platform that lets you write posts in Google Docs and syncs with a Google Drive directory. 🔥 ✅
  • haven — Self-hostable private blogging 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • relay-rails-blog — A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog. 👴 ✅
  • Runtaoblr — A social blogging web application made with Ruby on Rails and React/Redux 👴 ✅
  • toto — the 10 second blog-engine for hackers 👴 🚀
  • portfolio — A blog and Portfolio CMS built with Rails, React, Redux, Material-UI, CSS Modules. 👴 🚀
  • octopress — Octopress is an obsessively designed toolkit for writing and deploying Jekyll blogs. Pretty sweet, huh? 👴
  • Storytime — Storytime is a Rails 4+ CMS and blogging engine, with a core focus on content. 🔥 ✅
  • picco_blog — PiccoBlog is a simple Ruby on Rails markdown blog engine 🔥


  • StackBox — Create app stacks loaded with all your favourite clients, services and infra along with code boilerplates in under 5 mins. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • jumpstart — Easily jumpstart a new Rails application with a bunch of great features by default 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Suspenders (thoughtbot) — A Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy to Heroku. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rails-template (mattbrictson) — Application template for Rails 6 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity. 🔥
  • rails-template (dao42) — A best & newest & fastest rails 6.x template for senior rails developer. 🔥
  • rails-templates (lewagon) — Jump start your Rails development with Le Wagon best practices 🔥
  • rails-composer — An application template that creates starter applications for Rails. 🔥
  • docker-rails-example — A production ready example Rails app that’s using Docker and Docker Compose. 🔥
  • rails-react-typescript-docker-example — An example app built on Ruby on Rails 6.1 + React.js 17 + TypeScript 4.1 + Docker Compose 🔥 🚀
  • rails-react-typescript-docker-example — An example app built on Ruby on Rails 6.1 + React.js 17 + TypeScript 4.1 + Docker Compose 🔥 🚀
  • rails_react_graphql_docker_boilerplate — 🤡 Rails + React + GraphQL + Docker 🔥
  • react-webpack-rails-tutorial — Example of integration of Rails, react, redux, using the react_on_rails gem, webpack, enabling the es7 and jsx transpilers, and node integration. And React Native! 🔥 🚀
  • react-rails-example-app — Minimal basic demonstration React-Rails sample application using Webpacker 🔥
  • react_rails_starter_app — React with Rails using Webpack 🔥
  • react-rails-boilerplate — ⚛︎ ❤️ 💎 A React + Rails boilerplate to help you get the best of both worlds 🔥
  • react_on_rails_tutorial_with_ssr_and_hmr_fast_refresh — react_on_rails tutorial demonstrating SSR, HMR fast refresh, and Typescript based on the rails/webpacker webpack setup 🔥
  • rails-react-boilerplate — Ruby on Rails, React, Webpack 4 boilerplate app. 🔥
  • rails-react-example — An example application built with Rails and React 🔥
  • Rails-React-DTA-Template — 💎 React on Rails with devise_token_auth -> Starter App 🔥
  • Rails-API-React-Tutorial — 📱 A Rails 5 API backend React JS Frontend Guide. Learn API setup, serializers, react fetch calls, and app setup. 🔥 🚀
  • next-right-now — Flexible production-grade boilerplate with Next.js 10, Vercel and TypeScript. Includes multiple opt-in presets using Storybook, Airtable, GraphQL, Analytics, CSS-in-JS, Monitoring, End-to-end testing, Internationalization, CI/CD and SaaS B2B multi single-tenancy (monorepo) support 🔥 🚀
  • hypernova_apollo_rails — Example of React + Apollo + Hypernova + Rails + Webpacker 🔥
  • create-react-app-with-rails-boilerplate — CRA + Rails API + Devise Login + ActiveAdmin Boilerplate 🔥 🚀


  • kitabu — A framework for creating e-books from Markdown using Ruby. Using the Prince PDF generator, you’ll be able to get high quality PDFs. Also supports EPUB, Mobi, Text and HTML generation. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • kindle highlights — download your kindle highlights and email random ones to your inbox 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • errbit — The open source error catcher that’s Airbrake API compliant 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Squash — Squash is a collection of tools that help engineers find and kill bugs in their code by automatically collecting, collating and analyzing run time exceptions. 👴 ✅
  • oupsnow — A Bug tracker multi project, simply, but completed like bug tracking. 👴 🚀
  • BugTracker — open-source bug tracking app 🔥 👴 ✅


  • stealth — 🤖 An open source Ruby framework for text and voice chatbots. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Lita — Lita is a chat bot written in Ruby with persistent storage provided by Redis. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Chrome Extension

  • latercart — A chrome extension that allows the user to create aggregate wishlists while shopping on different websites such as Ikea, Amazon, Tentree and more. 🔥 🚀
  • rails_panel — Chrome/Firefox extension for Rails development 🔥 🚀


  • anystyle — Fast and smart citation reference parsing 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • weby — A simple, flexible and extensible CMS in Ruby on Rails 🔥 ✅
  • SpinaCMS — Spina CMS is an easy to use CMS that features a clean interface without distractions. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ShinyCMS — ShinyCMS is an open-source CMS built in Ruby on Rails, with support for themes, plugins, and cloud hosting. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • RefineryCMS — An extendable Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 6.0+ 🔥 ✅
  • comfortable-mexican-sofa — ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful Ruby on Rails 5.2+ CMS (Content Management System) Engine 🔥 ✅
  • raidantCMS — Radiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams. 🔥 🚀
  • push_type — PushType is a modern, open source content management system for Ruby on Rails. 🔥
  • nestaCMS — A lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra. 🔥
  • alchemyCMS — Alchemy is an open source CMS engine written in Ruby on Rails. 🔥
  • locomotiveCMS — Locomotive is an open source platform to create, publish and edit sites (CMS) 🔥 ✅
  • kms — Simple and powerful Ruby on Rails CMS for developers 🔥
  • faeCMS — CMS for Rails. For Reals. 🔥 ✅
  • drgCMS — Content management system for Ruby, Rails and MongoDB 🔥 ✅
  • caseinCMS — A lightweight CMS toolkit for Ruby on Rails, based on Bootstrap 🔥
  • Storytime — Storytime is a Rails 4+ CMS and blogging engine, with a core focus on content. 🔥 ✅
  • sitepress — Sitepress is a file-backed website content manager that can be embedded in popular web frameworks like Rails, run stand-alone, or be compiled into static sites. Its useful for marketing pages or small websites that you need to deploy within your web frameworks. 🔥
  • BrowserCMS — Humane Content Management for Rails 👴
  • App
  • whitehall — a Ruby on Rails content management application for content published by government departments and agencies. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Customer Support/CRM

  • Zammad — Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • astuto — 🦊 A free, open source, self-hosted customer feedback tool 🔥 🚀 ✅
  • Helpy — Helpy is a modern, open source helpdesk customer support application. Features include knowledgebase, community discussions and support tickets integrated with email. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fatfreecrm — An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management (CRM) platform . 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • railsCRM — Ruby on Rails CRM for lead tracking made with MongoDB, Twitter Bootstrap and Devise. 👴 ✅
  • Live Chat
  • Chaskiq — A full featured Live Chat, Support & Marketing platform 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Chatwoot — Open-source live chat software, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Crisp etc. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Collaboration Tool

  • loomio — Loomio is a collaborative decision-making tool that makes it easy for anyone to participate in decisions which affect them. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • brainstormer — is a fun tool that helps people come up with ideas together remotely.
  • publiclab — a collaborative knowledge-exchange platform in Rails 🔥 ✅
  • convene — Secure, affordable, private digital spaces for work and play. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • lale-help — A collaborative platform for volunteer refugee support. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • teambox — This is the legacy version of Teambox — the award-winning collaboration solution, inspired by Basecamp, Yammer and Twitter. 👴 ✅


  • tip4commit — Donate bitcoins to open source projects or make commits and get tips for it. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • kuruwan — Earn cryptocurrency by contribution to open source projects 🔥 🚀


  • Catarse — The first open source crowdfunding platform for creative projects in the world 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • shelter-gifts — A Ruby on Rails app that makes it easy to donate directly to shelters by scraping their Amazon wishlists 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • membership (debtcollective) — 💰 Member dues and Donations platform 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • scan-donation — Donation app for Stop Child Abuse Now of Northern VA 👴 ✅


  • Vagrant — Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Selenium — A browser automation framework and ecosystem. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • puppet — Server automation framework and application 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • open-build-service — Build and distribute Linux packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way #obs 🔥
  • lazylead — Eliminate the annoying work within ticketing systems (Jira, GitHub, Trello). Allows automating (without admin access) daily actions like tickets fields verification, email notifications by JQL/GQL, meeting requests to your (or teammates) calendar. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Kontena — The developer friendly container and micro services platform. Works on any cloud, easy to setup, simple to use. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • flipper — 🐬 Beautiful, performant feature flags for Ruby. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Graal — GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere 🔥 🚀
  • gitreflow — Reflow automatically creates pull requests, ensures the code review is approved, and squash merges finished branches to master with a great commit message template. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • caperoma — Automate your workflow with Ruby / Git / Jira / PivotalTracker. 🔥 ✅
  • Capistrano — Remote multi-server automation tool 🔥 ✅
  • foreman — an application that automates the lifecycle of servers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fluentd — Fluentd helps you unify your logging infrastructure 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Chef — Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • branston — An agile user story tracker that generates gherkin files and step definitions for use with the cucumber testing framework. 👴
  • Code Review
  • Mutant — An automated code review tool, with a side effect of producing semantic code coverage metrics. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Hound — Automated code review for GitHub pull requests. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Danger — 🚫 Stop saying “you forgot to …” in code review (in Ruby) 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Tugboat — A command line tool for interacting with your DigitalOcean droplets. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • pghero — A performance dashboard for Postgres 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • yard — YARD is a Ruby Documentation tool. The Y stands for “Yay!” 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rdoc — RDoc produces HTML and online documentation for Ruby projects. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • slate — Beautiful static documentation for your API 🔥
  • rubydocs — Fancy docs for any Ruby project
  • Devdocs — combines multiple developer documentations in a clean and organized web UI 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • docshub — API Documentation Browser based Github Pages service 🔥
  • orientation — Your best weapon in the fight against outdated documentation. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • just-the-docs A modern, high customizable, responsive Jekyll theme for documention with built-in search. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • Spree — Spree is an open source E-commerce platform for Rails 6 with a modern UX, optional PWA frontend, REST API, GraphQL, several official extensions and 3rd party integrations. Over 1 million downloads and counting! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Solidus — 🛒 Solidus, Rails eCommerce System 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ror_ecommerce — Ruby on Rails Ecommerce platform, perfect for your small business solution. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — An online store built with React and Rails 👴 ✅
  • Sharetribe — Sharetribe Go is a source available marketplace software, also available as a hosted, no-code SaaS product. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • EMAC
  • textbringer — An Emacs-like text editor written in Ruby 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • diakonos — Linux console text editor for the masses. 🔥
  • ruber — An IDE for Ruby written in Ruby using KDE 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • redcar — A cross-platform programmer’s editor written in Ruby. 👴 ✅
  • arcadia — Light Ruby Ide 👴
  • mercury — Mercury Editor: The Rails WYSIWYG editor that allows embedding full page editing capabilities directly inline. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • block-editor — A block editor for Ruby on Rails


  • Postal — 📨 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • sup — A curses threads-with-tags style email client 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • lewsnetter — E-mail marketing application (create and send e-mail newsletter via SES). Includes subscription management, delivery, bounce and complaint notification, templates, and some stats. 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • super-imap — SuperIMAP — Monitor inboxes for incoming email, at scale. 👴 ✅
  • newsletter — This project aims to streamline delivery of quality IT reading/watching resources to curious developers 🔥 🚀
  • iReach — A Ruby on Rails email newsletter template design and wysiwyg editor. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • TechNewsletter — The engineering way of composing a responsive design newsletter email in markup language 🔥 🚀
  • — Autogenerated weekly newsletter of ‘Show HackerNews’ projects 🔥 🚀
  • trello_newsletter — Newsletter using Trello boards 👴 🚀
  • sup — A curses threads-with-tags style email client 🔥 🚀
  • rumble — Command Line Tool to Send Newsletters 🔥 🚀


  • osem — Open Source Event Manager. An event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • klmeetups — Find tech events in Malaysia 🔥
  • Jetify — Jetify is an app that allows you to see events happening in your area and creates a playlist based on those events 🔥 ✅
  • infusion — 📆 Web application for managing the community meetups 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • nu-appoinments — simple appointments app 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • meetsync — An Application to Meet and Sync with people 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • diversity_ticketing — An app to make diversifying conferences easier! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rgbapp — This is an app that supports the work of the code curious organizers team 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • react_rails_event_scheduler — This project consist of building a mobile web app for an Events Scheduler using Rails API as backend, and ReactJS as frontend. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • eventx — for Event Managers who are not interested in the complexities of Event Management, but want to organize a world-class event! 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • hcxp — 📅 Independent online hardcore punk events directory 👴 ✅ 🚀


  • reactfit — A fitness dashboard app built using Rails 5.1 and React.js 👴 ✅


  • localorbit — Local Orbit is an open source web application and service that empowers food hubs to efficiently sell and distribute local food. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • growstuff — Open data project for small-scale food growers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • JustEats — Full-Stack web application that allows users to search, discover and review restaurants 🔥 ✅
  • Eatry — a website that shows restaurants and reviews of those restaurants. 🔥 ✅
  • coffee — ☕ Choose your favorite coffee beans. 🔥


  • Koala — A lightweight Facebook library supporting the Graph, Marketing, and Atlas APIs, realtime updates, test users, and OAuth. 🔥


  • Discourse — A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • simple_discussion — A simple, extensible Rails forum 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rabel — An open-source web forum built on the Ruby on Rails framework. 🔥 ✅
  • forem — Forem is open source software for building communities that powers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Homeland — 🎪 An open source forum/community system based on Rails, developed based on Ruby China. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Engine
  • thredded — The best Rails forums engine ever. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • vglist — A video game library tracking web app built in Rails and powered by Wikidata 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ruby2d — 🎮 The Ruby 2D gem 🔥 🚀
  • gosu — 2D game development library for Ruby and C++ 🔥
  • RN-Rock-Paper-Scissors — Simple Rock Paper Scissors Game Made in React Native runs on Android, iOS, Web, MacOS, Windows 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • PorkChop — A ping pong scoreboard and stat-tracking application. 🔥
  • jinro_rails — Werewolf game on Ruby on Rails 🔥 🚀
  • chess.rb — Command-line based chess game for two human players, written in Ruby. 🔥
  • jinro — open source werewolf game application. You can play the werewolf game with chat. 🔥 🚀
  • frogatto — Frogatto & Friends is an action-adventure game, starring a certain quixotic frog. 🔥 🚀
  • HuntersKeepers — An app to make managing games of Monster of the Week easier. 🔥 🚀
  • BvY_Chess — Terminal chess game, built in Ruby. 👴 🔥
  • overwatch-team-comps — Plan your Overwatch team composition per map. Share your team comp with others. 👴 🚀


  • shoes4 — Shoes is a little DSL for cross-platform (Mac, Windows, and Linux) GUI programming. 🔥 🚀


  • consul — Open Government and E-Participation Web Software 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Github/Open Source

  • 24pullrequests — 🎄 Giving back to open source for the holidays 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • simple_review_app — A simple way to create review apps for your open pull requests 🔥 🚀
  • hyrax — Hyrax is a Ruby on Rails Engine built by the Samvera community. Hyrax provides a foundation for creating many different digital repository applications. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — GH Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • past.codesa — Remember the repositories you starred on GitHub 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • opensourcefriday — 🚲 Contribute to the open source community every Friday 🔥 🚀
  • Octobox — 📮 Untangle your GitHub Notifications 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • [linguist]* — This library is used on to detect blob languages, ignore binary or vendored files, suppress generated files in diffs, and generate language breakdown graphs. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — 📚 The Open Source Discovery Service 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Codetriage — Discover the best way to get started contributing to Open Source projects 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Github explore — Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub 🔥 🚀
  • — Find open source issues to work on! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • gollum — A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • github-awards — Discover your ranking on github 🔥 🚀
  • gsrd — GitHub Starred Repos Downloader 🔥
  • Dependabot — 🤖 The core logic behind Dependabot’s update PR creation, and the public issue tracker for all things Dependabot 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • best-practices-badge — 🏆 Core Infrastructure Initiative Best Practices Badge 🔥 ✅
  • git_curate — ✂️ Peruse and delete git branches ergonomically 🔥 ✅
  • hacktoberfest — Hacktoberfest — App to manage the annual open-source challenge, used for the 2019 & 2020 seasons. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • git_time_extractor — Analyzes Git repository commit logs to compute developer working hours, weekly activity, and to detect death marches in software development. 👴 ✅
  • heaven — 🚶 Rails app for GitHub Flow 👴 ✅
  • pull-request-roulette — Site to match up developers with people willing to comment on their pull requests 👴 🚀



  • ifme — Free, open source mental health communication web app to share experiences with loved ones 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Human Resources (HR)

  • hrms — Advanced HR management system. Manage company Employees (profiles, vacations, attachments, notes, notifications) and Candidates (vacancies, HR status funnel) 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • translation-server — Stores translations with location and screenshot. Enable users to easily edit translations and then any rails/react application can use them. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • Octicons — A scalable set of icons handcrafted with ❤ by GitHub 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • evil-icons — Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails, Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Internal tools

  • ToolJet — Opensource internal tool builder. An alternative to Retool, AppSmith, JetAdmin, etc 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • highlights — download your kindle highlights and email random ones to your inbox 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • stacks_tracker_app — In this app, you are able to track which languages you already know. You can choose which ones you are currently learning and see your learning progress, based on a goal you set. 🔥 ✅


  • ClassicDiscoveriesApp — An online literary library that can be used to search for books or authors. Users can even save books for later on their bookshelves. It was built using React.js/Flux for the front-end and Ruby on Rails for the back-end. 👴 ✅
  • Books-app — app that allows you to register books you’ve read and group them based on their genres. 🔥 🚀
  • circulate — An operating system for lending libraries 🔥 🚀


  • canvas-lms) — The open LMS by Instructure, Inc. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • pupilfirst — A learning management system (LMS) that lets you run an asynchronous online school, where learning is achieved through focused tasks, directed feedback, an iterative workflow, and community interaction. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • mumuki-laboratory — 🔬 Where students practice and receive automated and human feedback 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fedena — open source school management system based on Ruby on Rails. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • lepo — Learning Management System with Note & Sticky 🔥 🚀
  • edctn — 📖 Open-source LMS. A teacher should be a rockstar. 🔥 🚀
  • CascadeLMS — Cascade Learning Management System 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • grasp — an open-source LMS for Common Core classrooms. 👴 ✅ 🚀


  • terrastories — Terrastories is a geostorytelling application built to enable local communities to locate and map their own oral storytelling traditions about places of significant meaning or value to them. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • mersea — Web app to manage and visualise geolocalized waste report 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ghgvc — Ecosystem Climate Regulation Services Calculator 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • respect-app — Express respectful your mind 🔥
  • tag-along — Real-time geo tracking using Rails, ActionCable, React, MobX, and MapBox 👴 ✅ 🚀

Mobile/Desktop App/IOS/Swift

  • Homebrew — 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux) 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fastlane — The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • RubyGateway — Embed Ruby in Swift: load Gems, run scripts, call APIs seamlessly in both directions. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • RouterX — A Ruby on Rails flavoured URL routing engine in Swift. 🔥 🚀
  • Dryrun — Try any android library hosted online directly from the command line 🔥 🚀
  • CocoaPods — CocoaPods manages dependencies for your Xcode projects. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • pwa-demo — Progressive Web App Demo using Rails and React 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • badge — add a badge to your tvOS/iOS/Android app icon 🔥 🚀
  • SwiftyBadgeButton — A simple, fully tested, 100% Swift badge button. 🔥 🚀
  • miaudota — 🐱 🐶 app that automates the pet adoption process. (rails api + react native) 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • GetOut — React Native App to meet and chat with nearby people who share similar interests 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • nsrails — iOS/Mac OS framework for Rails 👴 ✅


  • MailTape — Feed your inspiration with music, every Sunday morning. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • uke — 🎶 Ukulele CLI Support 🔥
  • beatoftheday — 🎵 Make music with others 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • alonetone — A free, open source, non-commercial home for musicians and their music 🔥 🚀
  • rockburg — Rockburg is a music industry simulation game. 🤘 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • plylst — Smart playlists for Spotify! Stop relying on fancy pants algorithms to organize your library and instead build playlists the way you want. 🔥 🚀
  • so-nice — Small Web interface to control iTunes, Spotify, Rdio, MPD, Rhythmbox, Amarok and XMMS2. ♫ 🔥 ✅
  • fraudify — Free music streaming app built with Rails and React 🔥 ✅
  • live-music — Web version of NetEase Cloud Music to listen to songs synchronously. 🔥
  • black_candy — A self hosted music streaming server 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • abilitysheet — This app is ability sheet for beatmania iidx music of level 12 🔥


  • StandardNotes — A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • notesclub — Notes Club 🔥 🚀
  • Wreeto — Wreeto is an open source note-taking, knowledge management and wiki system. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fiber-note — A networked note-taking app, open and self-hosted, inspired by roam-research, obsidian and others. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • mykonote — The note taking app with an extra shot mykonian sun


  • StarDuck — StartDuck is a productivity app that generates activities based on user’s choice of category and input hours. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • FinalCapstone — This project is designed so you can keep your daily task like; working, sleeping, etc. and see a resume of your day. 🔥 ✅


  • net-ssh — Pure Ruby implementation of an SSH (protocol 2) client


  • open-source-billing — Open Source Billing a super simple way to create and send invoices and receive payments online. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • invoice_printer — Super simple PDF invoicing 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • bill-process — Fullstack bill processing app — enables various account types to collaborate on bill actions before it is sent to a customer. Rails, PostgreSQL, React/Redux 🔥



  • zipsell — A free open source platform for selling digital downloads such as ebooks 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • slideshow — write your slides / talks / presentations in plain text with markdown formatting conventions 🔥 🚀
  • showoff — Don’t just present; interact with your audience! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • reveal-ck — Create slides with ruby (and usually in markdown) 🔥 🚀
  • rabbit — A programmable presentation tool by Ruby. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • slidedown — Generate syntax-highlighted slides from Markdown 👴 🚀
  • coderdeck — Create live-coding HTML5-based presentations and workshops 🔥 👴

Project Management

  • Redmine — Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • OpenProject — OpenProject is the leading open source project management software. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • React-Takser-App — Simple task tracking application using React.js and Ruby on Rails 🔥
  • SprintApp — Project management and time tracking should be easy. SprintApp is simple to setup, simple to use, and elegant — making you look like a hero in your organization. 👴 ✅
  • retrospectiva — Open source, web-based agile project management, featuring: Goal planner, Story management, Issue-tracker, Code review, SCM Integration, Wiki & Blog. 👴 ✅
  • reru_scrum — Open source rails scrum tool 👴
  • fulcrum — An agile project planning tool 👴 ✅
  • chiliproject — web based project management system built on Ruby on Rails 👴 ✅


  • FireApp — is a HTML prototyping tool with Sass/Compass/ERB/Haml/Slim/Markdown support 🔥 ✅ 🚀


Ruby and Rails

  • — The Ruby Together website 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Ruby-git — Ruby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binary. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — Source of the website. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — A simple list of Ruby conferences 🔥 🚀
  • rubytoolbox — Find actively maintained & popular open source software libraries for the Ruby programming language 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rails_new_io — is an app to create and verify new rails applications using an intuitive UI. 🔥 🚀
  • rubydocs — Fancy docs for any Ruby project
  • Ruby-Starter-Kits — Starter kits to help you get up and running with Ruby quickly. 🔥 🚀
  • Rubygems — Library packaging and distribution for Ruby. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — Next generation site 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • awesome-ruby — A categorized community-driven collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software. 🔥 ✅
  • Ruby-Meetup-Calender — List all the current Ruby Meetups 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • on_ruby — 💎 🛤 Whitelabel Site for Ruby Communities 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rails_panel — Chrome/Firefox extension for Rails development 🔥 🚀
  • gem-browse — gem edit, gem open, gem clone, gem browse 🔥 🚀
  • matestack — Matestack enables you to create sophisticated, reactive UIs in pure Ruby, without touching JavaScript and HTML. 🔥 🚀
  • pluginGeek — Discover great Ruby gems and Javascript plugins. Like AirBnB but for Space Travel. 👴 🚀
  • social-login-in-rails — A small application with integrates with Devise + Twitter + Facebook + Linkedin + Google + Github. 🔥 ✅
  • run.rb — Run Ruby in the browser using WebAssembly
  • decidim — The participatory democracy framework. A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • railsbump — Check which gems are compatible with which Rails version! 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • geminabox — Really simple rubygem hosting 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • for-the-graal A simple but absurd language implemented in Ruby-Java-JavaScript 🔥 🚀
  • LicenseFinder — Find licenses for your project’s dependencies.
  • haml — HTML Abstraction Markup Language — A Markup Haiku 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Kramdown — kramdown is a fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions. 🔥
  • asciidoctor — 💎 A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain, written in Ruby, for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML 5, DocBook 5, and other formats. 🔥 🚀 ✅
  • actsastenant-demo — Row-based multitenancy example. A User can be a Member of multiple Tenants 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rails_multisite — Multi tenancy for Rails applications 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • dato.rss — The best RSS Search Engine experience you can find. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • filter-app — news aggregator that powers and 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • rssbox — This app uses the API of other websites and gives you an RSS feed in return. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Stringer — A self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • feedbin — a simple, fast and nice looking RSS reader. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • FeedBunch — A simple and elegant feed reader. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Real Estate

  • property_web_builder — ⛺ The ultimate Ruby on Rails engine for creating real estate websites 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • star-table — ⭐ A restaurant reservation web application. Using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript/React/Redux, JSX, SCSS. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • doctors — Doctor’s Appointment application that is intended to showcase full-stack web development skills, particularly in Ruby on Rails and React. 🔥 ✅
  • calagator — An open source community calendar platform written in Ruby on Rails 🔥 ✅
  • calreact — React and Rails 5 calendar appointment app 🔥 👴 ✅

Snippet Manager

  • snibox — Self-hosted snippet manager 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • snippet_app — A social code snippet sharing app that allows you to create, file and share code snippets with anyone. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ruby-fiddle — Because JSFiddle is awesome. Persist, Version, and Fork Ruby Snippets. 🔥 👴 ✅
  • codervault — An Open Source, Self-Hosted, Snippet Manager 🔥 👴 ✅

Social Network/Community

  • Diaspora — A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • hackershare — Hackershare is a powerful social bookmarking service and a knowledge-sharing community, with advanced search and tag management feature 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Coderwall — Professional network for software engineers 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ting — A music social networking project written in Ruby on Rails and Semantic-UI 🔥 ✅
  • casply — The cosplayers community 🔥 ✅
  • mutual-aid — Mutual aid management platform for groups who build, support, and strengthen community resilience. 🔥 ✅
  • usesthis — A nerdy little interview website, asking people from all walks of life what they use to get the job done. 🔥 🚀
  • kitesocial — A super basic not-Twitter, for interviews. 🔥 🚀
  • — — the guide to the fediverse 🔥 🚀
  • evemonk — EveMonk is helper software for EVE Online. 🔥 🚀
  • babywearing — A lending library for Babywearing communities that manages baby carrier inventory and memberships 🔥 🚀 Learn IT, Girl — “Learn IT, Girl” is an international mentorship program that helps women learn a new programming language by doing an awesome project! 🔥 🚀
  • airesis — The Social Network for eDemocracy 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • socify — Socify is an open source social networking platform written in Ruby on Rails 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • Insoshi — An open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails 👴 ✅


  • support-your-local-businesses — A web application to support supporting your local businesses online 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • earthquake-croatia — Code for app hosted on used for helping people in need during the earthquake crisis in Croatia 🔥 🚀
  • covid-volunteers — Organizing and matching volunteers with COVID-19 projects 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • diaper — Diaperbase is an inventory system for diaper banks, to aid them in tracking their inventory and providing statistics about their inventory flows. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • voices-of-consent — Open source tracking and inventory management application for nonprofit, Voices of Consent 🔥 ✅
  • human-essentials — Human Essentials is an inventory management system for essentials banks, to aid them in distributing items to their partners, tracking their inventory, and providing statistics about their inventory flows. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • otwarchive — The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) — Archive Of Our Own (AO3) Project 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • eol — Encyclopedia of Life 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • fiftypercent — “50 Prozent” documents, how many women* there are. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • ConexionFelina — 🐱 ❤️ Web application for taking care of street cats 🔥 ✅
  • covidliste — Covidliste makes it easy to manage waiting lists for vaccination centers. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • casa — Volunteer management system for nonprofit CASA, which serves foster youth in counties across America. 🔥 ✅
  • — All of the code that runs on 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • EBWiki — repository of police abuse cases against people of color 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Champaign — SumOfUs Online Campaign Platform. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • refugerestrooms — REFUGE restrooms indexes and maps safe restroom locations for trans, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • — A prediction app created for indian elections 2019. 🔥 🚀
  • reentry — Social Services Aggregator and Distribution Hub 👴 ✅ 🚀
  • playtime — Supporting children and families experiencing homelessness in Washington, DC 👴 ✅


  • HellRaiser — Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs. 🔥 🚀
  • sheepsafe — Sheepsafe is a small utility to keep you safe from FireSheep! It’s a tool for mobile geeks. 👴 🚀


  • Staytus — 💡 An open source solution for publishing the status of your services 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • shopify_app — A Rails Engine for building Shopify Apps 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • shopify-app-starter-kit — Shopify app starter kit written in Ruby on Rails w/ appropriate tools to get your Shopify app up and running quickly 🚀
  • react-shopify-app — A React/Rails Shopify base app maintained by Plug in SEO 🔥




  • tebukuro — Build communities and ticketing 🔥 ✅


  • tomatoes — Pomodoro Technique® online time tracker 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • timeoverflow — 🏦 ⌛ A time banking system 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Happyhours — Time registration that doesn’t suck 🔥 ✅ 🚀



  • upwork_telegram_notifier — Get notifications for new Upwork jobs right into your Telegram 🔥 🚀
  • eatmore — Telegram bot that reminds you to eat more 🔥 🚀


  • backup — Easy full stack backup operations on UNIX-like systems 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • RESTular — Easy to understand RESTful routing for Sinatra / Ruby on Rails app
  • Students Monitoring
  • ved_akadem_students — Students attendance and progress monitoring tool. 🔥 ✅ 🚀



  • iro.vim — Vim plugin that is a next generation syntax highlighter.


  • CocoaPods — CocoaPods manages dependencies for your Xcode projects. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • Xcodeproj — Create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. 🔥 ✅ 🚀

Web Stuff

  • Whatweb — Next generation web scanner 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • webshot — Captures a web page as a screenshot. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • my_site_archive — The simplest way to archive your website. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • connector — A minimalist open-source multi-engine web browser built in Ruby with Glimmer DSL for SWT 🔥 🚀
  • awestruct — A static site baking and deployment tool written in Ruby. 🔥
  • bonsai — A tiny static web site generator 👴 🚀
  • SSG
  • middleman — Middleman is a static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development. 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • webgen — webgen is a fast, powerful and extensible static website generator 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • dimples — A little static site generator. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • Wordmove — Multi-stage command line deploy/mirroring and task runner for Wordpress 🔥 ✅ 🚀
  • wpscan — WPScan WordPress security scanner. 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • — Source code of 🔥 🚀
  • Obsidian
  • obsidian_utils — Various scripts and utilities for 🔥 🚀
  • zettlekasten
  • zk — 📚 Zettelkasten on the command-line 🔥 ✅ 🚀


  • compile-to-web — Discover what languages can be compiled to Web Assembly 🔥 🚀
  • transrate — Understand your transcriptome assembly 🔥 🚀
  • pre-assembly — Rails app — prepares objects for assembly workflow and allows discovery report 🔥 🚀



Ronak Bhatt

A software engineer with solid experience mostly with Ruby on rails and Javascripts.