Covid-19: The Book

Dr Ron Pol
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2020


A story of our times — of leadership, and outcomes

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


Possibly the first book of likely many hundreds that will be written on this topic, this virtual ‘book’ — prompted by an earlier article — is a collection of substantive chapters and haiku on key issues often misunderstood or mischaracterized.

Substantive chapters address solutions from a broader perspective than the usual medical angle.

As Dr Anthony Fauci noted, public health advisers are not economists. They recommend lockdowns as one way to get the virus under control.

As a political scientist specializing in policy effectiveness and outcomes, I suggest in this book another pathway to meet public health and economic objectives, without compromising either, for better outcomes.

It doesn’t need to be a trade-off. Nor do solutions need to be restricted by only one science, when ‘science’ more broadly can deliver better outcomes.

How to use this book

Some ‘chapters’ consist of a single Haiku. Some combine Haiku with brief discussion. Others are traditional chapters, typically commencing with a topical haiku.

Each chapter can be read alone, and in any order.

If you prefer substantive articles



Dr Ron Pol

Outcomes science, applied to life. Current main focus AML/CFT. Outcomes architect, loves engaging with open minds. See: