Top 5 Best Residential Proxy Providers of 2019

Ronald Idohen
5 min readOct 9, 2019


Residential proxies have great importance in the business world and that shouldn’t be a surprise for anyone who tried them at least once. Either it is for account management, market research or purchasing limited-edition sneakers — data-center IP addresses might not be enough for you. The reason why you shouldn’t overlook residential proxies is simple — they are rarely detected and can be very handy when it comes to doing various tasks. The route goes through a real home and ISP, thus not only does it mask the IP address, but it also masks you and makes you seem like a regular network user which is a great advantage. But since there are so many residential proxy providers in the market the main question that occurs for most of us — which are the best ones?

After the research I did, I can review the world of residential IP proxy providers in order to suggest the best services out there. Here is my list of residential proxy providers for 2019:

1. Smartproxy

My review starts with Smartproxy. Not only Smartproxy has over 10 million IP addresses that are going through real mobile and desktop proxy networks, but they also offer unlimited connections from 195 locations all over the world including 8 major cities. You can choose country-level targeting and decide between using a random proxy that rotates your IP address with every request or sticky proxy, which would change your IP every 5 minutes. Besides, Smartproxy offers on various residential proxies for different cases, such as proxies for social networks (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook), Scraping proxies (for big-scale market research), Sneaker proxies and much more. Besides, they offer you 24/7 customer support so if anything would happen — you will always be provided with high-quality help and advice. Their pricing model is based on subscription with data consumption limits, it is simple to understand and easy to work with.

2. Luminati

Luminati is one of the most known proxy service providers in the world that can offer you 35 million IPs from all over the world. Luminati offers yu residential proxies as well as datacenter ones, besides they have mobile proxies that can be very useful for various customers. Their residential proxies are useful when it comes to market research, brand protection and account management cases. Nevertheless, being one of the leading proxy providers in the market, they also set quite a price for their services — their cheapest plan will cost you $500 monthly for 40GBs and it can reach up to $30 000 for 10 TBs. Luminati mostly orientates its services for business and offers high-quality services for its customers at all times.

3. Microleaves

Microleaves can offer you 3 main types of proxy services: backconnect proxies (the ones that change every 10 minutes); dedicated HTTP proxies (private HTTP dedicated proxies/high speed/USA based); shared HTTP proxies (private HTTP shared proxies/high speed/USA based). With 26 million IP addresses that consist of real homes and real people — quality service potential is there. Microleaves service offers a wide variety of subscription plans for every need. Nevertheless, they are limited by threads and that might seem not flexible in some use cases. However, lately, the networks seem to be falling under the radar and being flagged. This causes the process to struggle and fault sometimes.

4. NetNut

Comparing to the providers mentioned above, NetNut can offer you way smaller pool of IPs and less available locations. Also, NetNut can offer you only residential proxies (but we are here exactly for that!) that you can use for various purposes. Besides, they are offering you a real-time dashboard with updated statistics including total usage, usage per country, number of requests and sub-user information. They also offer complementary proxy rotation and load balancing, as well as a 7-day free trial which is a great feature to see how services are working and how useful they can be for you. They charge between $3.5 and $15 per GB depending on volume and can offer you 6 different paying plans.

5. StormProxies

Another great proxy that defies the odds of being banned. Truth to be told -this provider offers you around 70 thousand IP addresses, which is not as impressive as the other services in this list, but despite this their services are great and trustworthy as well as affordable. You can get the proxy going by purchasing a subscription for a single port. Their rotating proxies automatically change IP on each HTTP request, or every 3 or 15 minutes. Ideal for tasks that require huge amounts of different IPs — scraping sites, traffic bots, bulk accounts registration, SEO tools, tickets and sneaker sites. StormProxies allows you to choose between the USA proxy, EU proxy, combined USA+EU proxy, and Worldwide proxy.

Datacenter IP proxies allow users to remain anonymous, but their weaknesses lie in the ease with which sites can detect and ban their traffic. For users looking for proxies that aren’t susceptible to basic countermeasures, residential IP services are a robust solution, offering all the advantages without the drawbacks of datacenter proxies. Despite the fact that residential proxies can be expensive, they protect your anonymity and provide a residential IP address which datacenter proxies can’t do.



Ronald Idohen

Techie,foodie,traveler and adventurer.