Focal Points in France:

Ego Flows Down River; the Pond Self-Empties

3rd in our series on artful practices that bring more peace.

Ron & Roxanne Steed


Photo of a watercolor painting of the village brook in Orquevaux, France by Roxanne Steed.
Watercolor of the village brook in Orquevaux, France by Roxanne Steed. The flowing water reminded us of the artful practice of being in the flow-state as a way of self-emptying.

in creative times

ego flows down river-

the pond self-empties

This haiku moment was experienced near the Chateau Orquevaux, France, viewing the village brook flowing under a bridge on Saturday morning, July 2, 2022.


Have you flowed?

Felt like the brush, pencil, shutter, or dance shoes were guided by another power?

Have you experienced the inner shock of glancing at your watch and realizing that part of your timeline’s gone missing?

Where does the self go when we are in the flow?


That is what flow does to us… gives us a glimpse into the experience of self-emptying… the experience of no-self. And self-emptying makes room for something divine to bubble up within us, and transform into unconditional love.

Photo of the Manoise River flowing through the heart of Orquevaux, France
Manoise River flowing through the heart of Orquevaux, France. Photo by Ron Steed

What happens when we’re in flow seems magical… one might imagine, as the brush dips into the pallet, that a paint-fairy flicks her wand, casting a golden spell on our minds… so that the self-emptying flows our ego into another place; what remains is the silence of our True and Authentic self joined erotically in communion with the Spirit. Unconditional love, is loosed in the world.

Flow is “Erotic”

To many, “erotic” sounds like sex, and while it does include sex, it is a much broader force in the universe. It is the creative, generative, nurturing, gestating power all around us. It is so vivid in spring as new creation breaks out of winter’s rest, in summer as successive raptures of bloom feed the bees and hummingbirds, in fall as seed-time covers the meadow and forest with tiny life-preservers, and really, even in winter as roots delve deep into the soil to form flourishing networks among the mycelium, making the meadow and forest a single living organism rather that confederation of individuals.

War is the opposite of the erotic, and the inhibitor of unconditional love; it is mind-numbing, anti-creative destruction… there is no love in it. Rather than self-emptying, it is other-emptying as it seeks the elimination of the enemy and “collaterally”, those others unfortunate enough to be in the way.

Photo of the Manois River flowing under the bridge leading to Chateau Orquevaux
View of the Manois River flowing under the bridge leading to Chateau Orquevaux. Photo by Ron Steed

Flow as a Practice of Peace

Getting into the flow state as an artist is a deliberate practice of peace. Letting go of the self so that the authentic parts can shine in use non-violently makes the alchemical connections that flow unconditional love into a world that is so very thirsty for love.

So, make love not war… make art and let go of the self… let unconditional love flow…

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The Rev. Ron Steed serves as an Episcopal Deacon in Southeast Connecticut and has served the New London Homeless Hospitality Center in a variety of ways. He writes haiku and lyrical prose that he hopes will help others put the head and heart in right-relation.

Top writer in: Art, Haiku, Sermons, and Episcopal Church.

Photo of Ron Steed, writer of lyrical heart-stories that are spiritual, simple, and artful
Ron Steed

Ron and his wife Roxanne live in Mystic, CT. Roxanne Steed is an artist, instructor, and mentor in watercolor, specializing in oil and watercolor-journal paintings in New England and Europe. Her website is

Photo of Roxanne Steed, artist, instructor, and mentor in watercolor, specializing in oil and watercolor-journal paintings in New England and Europe.
Roxanne Steed



Ron & Roxanne Steed

Ron writes lyrical heart-stories that are spiritual, simple, and artful. Roxanne paints watercolor. Resident Artists-Chateau Orquevaux, 6x TW, Episcopal Deacon