Ron & Roxanne Steed

Jun 13, 2024

19 stories

Once, Roxanne made chocolate bouchons (wine corks)… little cork-shaped love-cakes that triggered heart palpitations; an outside crisp enfolding a tender-like-the-morning kiss-of-cacao. Mon Dieu…
The time near sunset is called “the golden hour,” a time when warm colors melt the heart and seduce the eye… it is a time of beauty and watching and sighing at the loveliness of the scene before us….
Power seems dangerous to me on many levels, not only for the victims of Christian Power, but for the Christians who exercise it on God’s behalf. We know what happens to people who play with power; they become like the ones they think they are there to judge and to banish.…
Ron & Roxanne Steed

Ron & Roxanne Steed

Book Author

Ron writes lyrical heart-stories that are spiritual, simple, and artful. Roxanne paints watercolor. Resident Artists-Chateau Orquevaux, 6x TW, Episcopal Deacon