MVP design pattern in iOS

Ronan Bai
2 min readAug 16, 2017


I'm sure you have already been familiar with MVC, but you also felt some pain points such as:

  • Difficult to test on view and viewcontroller
  • Viewcontroller are getting bigger and bigger as it handles everything

Today I'm gonna talk about another architectural pattern, MVP.

What is MVP

Model-view-presenter(MVP) is a derivation of the model-view-controller(MVC) architectural pattern, and is used mostly for building user interfaces.

— Wikipedia

The passive view part here consists of both view and viewcontroller.

  • The model is the place to put your data in and defines the logic and computation to process that data.
  • The view(view + viewcontroller) is a passive interface, simplely displays data, and receives user actions handling them to presenter.
  • The presenter is a mediator between model and view. All presentation logic should be put in here.

Explanation with code


//Network request simulation


//View + Viewcontroller

There are an emptyview and a tableview in the controller. After requesting for data, It will show emptyview or filled tableview according to the request result.

Here’s the demo screenshot. You can download full demo from


  • Reduce code complexity
  • Easy to perform Unit test
  • Viewcontrollers are not massive anymore

