Interesting information about Butterfly swimming:

2 min readMay 25, 2023


# Butterfly swimming, also known as the butterfly stroke.
# Butterfly stroke originated from the breaststroke style.
# It is considered that butterfly swimming started in 1933.
# The butterfly stroke was invented by an Australian named Sydney Cavill.
# The inaugural Butterfly competition at the Olympics took place in 1956.
# Melbourne Olympics first arranged men’s 200m Butterfly and women’s 100m Butterfly swimming events.
# Shelley Isabel Mann was the first women swimmer to win the gold medal in the 100-meter butterfly style in Melbourne Australia Olympics.
# William Yorzyk was the first male swimmer to win the gold medal in the 200-meter butterfly style in Melbourne Australia Olympics.

What is butterfly swimming?

Butterfly swimming, also known as the butterfly stroke. This is one of the physically demanding swimming styles. This style requires swimmers to coordinate simultaneous arm movements with a dolphin-like kick while lying face down in the water. This style of swim involves sweeping arms downward and outward in a circular motion while kicking legs in an undulating wave-like pattern. The butterfly stroke is characterized by its distinct elegance when performed correctly; however, it does require some upper body strength, core stability as well as coordination from swimmers who wish to master this technique!

The history of butterfly swimming: In the World Olympic

The butterfly stroke has a long history in the Olympic Games. In Melbourne in 1956 for women and Helsinki in 1952 for men, the method made its debut. Since then, butterfly swimming has developed into a highly anticipated event that showcases the power, speed, and technical prowess of great swimmers.

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