How To Build Your Castle

ron fox
2 min readOct 24, 2023

It’s ok to recognize when your path is no longer your own.

Maintenance requires more than just the work at hand. It requires foresight and forethought. It demands surrounding yourself with people who not only believe in your dreams, but will help you build the scaffolding to reach them.

If your opportunity Well dries, dig a new one.

If your friends are not there to help you move your dreams and narrative forward, get new friends.

When your friends are no longer your friends, consider that perhaps they never were.

Idea people talk and action people walk.

Take a look at the people in your circle. How do they support you? How do they drive you to do your best work? How do they make you feel about the work you do? For these three things, if you don’t have a positive response, you have to figure out why. Sometimes it’s straightforward. Sometimes it is simply a matter of them not seeing your vision. Other times it’s because they refuse to see your vision. It may not make sense that we have people in our lives who don’t support our dreams, but what makes less sense is keeping those people in our lives. What makes no sense at all is allowing those dreams to die without going after them. They are there and they are achievable. They are waiting only for us to act. The right friends are always there beside you, ready to act with you.



ron fox

Writes about Entertainment, Leadership & its applications beyond business, into daily life. Inspiring others through personal development.