Best Way To Sharpen Chisels — The Only Guide You Will Need.

Petter Lund
7 min readJul 17, 2018


Do you have dull chisels and are tired of not knowing the best way to sharpen it? Well, I’ll tell you some of the best technics that are out there and is used by some of the best fine woodworkers in the world. This is the Best Way To Sharpen Chisels!

First off, there are several methods to sharpen a chisel. Actually, there are so many methods that you could easily get lost already in this step. I will tell you the easiest, cheap and fastest way to sharpen your chisel.

  1. You could grind your chisels on a belt grinder.
  2. Glue and sandpaper to glass
  3. Whetstones & many many more….

As I stated in the title I will explain the easy way, and for that, there is only one method, whetstones.


To keep it simple, I’ll tell you which step you should do for the best way to sharpen chisels and what you need to get started.

If you are somewhat serious about getting your chisels sharp and I’m guessing you are since you still reading. I suggest that you invest some money in it. I’ll tell you what you need (minimum) to get started.

Getting started

  1. You will, of course, be needing some stones. I’ll suggest you start with 3 stones. 1000, 2000 and 5000 grit stones are perfect to start with.
  2. You should always have a sharpening station. I suggest building it yourself, head over to and find some cool sharpening station you want.
Sharpening station
  1. Honing guide. The angle on your bevel is important, I will cover this later in the article.
  2. Diamond stone. This will keep your whetstone deadly flat which is key.

find stones that suit you and your budget best.

Now your thinking, wow.. this has to cost a fortune. Well, it could. It’s your choice actually. You can invest in stones that are expensive and stones that are cheap. As in any other products out there, the cheaper you go the quality of the stone drops. Do some research and find the stones that suit you and your budget the best. Remeber, this is the best Way to sharpen chisels, you have to spend something!

I personally recommend Shapton stones. These stones will last you many many years to come. You can get them here:

Flattening Your Stone

Since this is a step by step guide we start here.

Before starting you should soak your stones in water. Yes, I mean put them in a bucket of water and let them soak. This is Waterstones and to much water can’t hurt them.

Now that they fully soak (5–10 min) take them out of your bucket and place them on your sharpening station. Make sure your stones have good grip and friction to your station.

Before starting to sharpen your chisel, make sure your stones are completely flat. Use your diamond stone to take a couple of passes.

Flattening stone

Pro tip, place your diamond stone on the bench and grind the stone with your hand.

Get your diamond stone here:

How to start sharpening

Now that your stone is completely flat we’re ready to start the sharpening process.

Make sure the backside of your chisel is falt. To do so this is where we start. Put the backside of your chisel and stroke it back and forth to its completely flat.

Get your sharpening station here:

I suggest you use your 1000 grit stone for this purpose. You want to remove some materials to get it flat.

Remember, once its falt you only need to make a couple of strokes the next time you’re sharpening to make sure its flat.

Use Your Honing Guide

Before you continue I’ve to warn you. With the best way to sharpen chisels method, you will get a CRAZY sharp edge and be careful that you don’t cut yourself.

Now pick up your honing guide, we need to the right angle to get the perfect bevel. Remember to insert your chisel with the bevel down and tighten the honing guide.

Get your honing guide here:

Depending on the angle your chisel has adjusted your honing guide to that angle. Ideally, the entry bevel of your chisel will be touching the stone.

Honing guide

Start Sharpening

Now that your stones have been soaking for 5–10 minutes. Take your stone out of the bucket and place it in your sharpening station. Make sure it won’t slide all over the place. Don’t make this complicated, if you don’t have a sharpening station for some reason, just place your stone one a fine piece sanding paper. Make sure the sandpaper is secured to your workbench. Best way to sharpen chisels start with a firm grip and focus on safety.

Even if the stone is soaked with water, I prefer to have a spray bottle to keep the surface of the stone wet. I also have a cloth that I wipe of my chisels and stones as I go.

Set your chisel in the honing guide with the right angle. Start with the 1000 grit stone. Make sure you apply even pressure to the bevel when sharpening. You want to keep that bevel straight.

Chisel in honing guide

If your chisel is brand new, I would suggest only 5–6 passes before changing the grit of the stone. Yes, you don’t need more than this if your bevel is not damaged or uneven.

Best Way To Sharpen Chisels

Pro tip: when sharpening, use the hole stone. Distribute your passes over as much of the stone as you can. Your stone will last much longer if you do this.

After 5–6 passes take your cloth and wipe your blade clean, take a good look at it. If you look carefully you will actually see where you’re chisel is making contact with the stone. You will be able to see grind marks on the bevel. If this is not even just change the chisels position in the guide.

Don’t be afraid, you can’t ruin anything that cant be fixed. Make sure you inspect your bevel as much as possible when starting. Then after a while, you will get a “feel” for what is right and what is not.

When you have acquired the technique, you will feel more confident and sharpening will be fun!

Get yourself a sharpening routine. After some passes on the whetstone wipe the blade clean, inspect your bevel and progress and wipe your stone clean.

After you have done and completed these steps and you are happy with your bevel. Move up to a finer grit stone, for example, 2000 grit and repeat the process.

Honing guide for plane

Final note

If you are serious about woodworking then you are serious about sharpening too. I would compare a chef’s knives with a woodworker chisel and planes. If the chef’s knife is dull its impossible to cut thin pieces of food and make it look delicious and yummy. Same goes for a woodworker. Its impossible to be a precise thin good looking cut with dull blades.


Acquire some decent quality whetstones and start with 3 stones. I would recommend 1000,2000 and 5000 grit. Get a honing guide so you get perfect angle and straight bevel.

Find yourself a good sharpening station for better result and safety. Also, remember to get a diamond stone to keep your stones flat.

Before starting, take a couple of passes with your diamond stone to make sure the whetstone is completely flat.

Soak your stones for 5 min and adjust your honing guide to fit your angle on the blade.

Make sure your chisel is flat on the backside before sharpening the bevel.

After some passes on the whetstone wipe the blade clean, inspect your bevel and progress and wipe your stone clean.

When you’re happy with the bevel, move up to the next grit.

Now that you have read this guide you will forever use the best way to sharpen chisels method.

