Light Therapy Facial


Just like plants, our skin and other body tissues have the ability to absorb light and convert it into energy. While plants can safely absorb light from the sun, the sun emits harmful UV rays that can do more damage to our skin than good.

Lightstim uses LED light of therapy to deliver light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. LightStim emits UV-free, beneficial light rays that energize cells and stimulate the body’s natural process to build new proteins and regenerate cells.

The LightStim combines advanced red and infrared lights to increase circulation, reduce inflammation, and encourage deeper product absorption. It also stimulates collagen and elastin to prevent the early signs of aging and restore an overall radiant, healthy skin.



Ronit Falevitch Exclusive Skincare 90210

A clinicaly trained asthetician located in Beverly Hills, with 21 years experience, using state of the art equipments and luxurious skincare products.