A Beginners’ Guide To Magic Tricks

Ronjo Magic Shop
2 min readSep 9, 2022


Who hasn’t seen Harry Potter? Everybody has seen it, and it looks like those movies have impacted your growing minds. That may be why magic and costume shop in New York exist.

When it comes to the world of fascination, we usually think about magic which is really imprinted in our heads. Don’t know talking about? Can you recall the word “peekaboo” for me? If that didn’t bring a glimpse of childhood into your eyes, then I think it’s time for me to quit writing about magic.

Magic: What is it?

It is kind of hard to explain, but if I have to put it in simple words, then I’d say magic is a performing art in which the artist convinces an audience that it has witnessed something impossible. Let me address that there is nothing paranormal or supernatural about magic tricks — in fact; magicians achieve illusion through practiced deception. Consider magic a form of acting in which the artist presents one reality to the audience member, hiding another reality.

The Most Common Magic Tricks You Should Know

Magic has many forms, and every magician has their own style that they follow in their routine. Following is a list of some of the most common magic tricks that you should know before anything else.

The production: This is a trick where a magician makes something appear out of thin air, like pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

Vanishing: This is an inverse version of the production. This is where the magician makes something or someone disappears.

Transformation: This is a trick where the magician alters an object’s form, such as changing a flower’s color or transforming a dollar bill into a dove or a pigeon.

Transportation: This trick is a combination of vanishing and production. This is where the magician makes an object appear to move from one place to another.

Tips for Beginner Magicians

Learn to do a couple of tricks with finesse

Master a few card tricks that you can repeatedly perform as they are enough to put on a magic show.

Practice is the only thing you have to do

It doesn’t matter whether you are learning an easy trick or a complex one; you really have to put in hours to master it.

Magic is nothing but acting

The key to a good trick is good acting. Focus on your performance and not what you are secretly doing.

Don’t be nervous

Nobody’s going to do anything to you while performing. So, maintain control by acting and faking confidence no matter what is happening in front of you.

Final Thoughts!

And that’s everything you need to know about magic. However, before you go out for a performance, feel free to visit a magic and costume shop in New York, and you’ll be all set.

