Getting From Point A To Point B: How International Student-Athletes Get Scholarships

Ronnie Romero
4 min readJan 17, 2019


How do you get from Point A to Point B in the college athletics recruiting process?

First, lets just understand what Point A and Point B are, respectively.

Point A

Where you are currently at in the grand scheme of the recruiting process is called as POINT A.

And this could be a number of things.

— You haven’t started/are waiting.

— You don’t know where to begin.

— You have weighed some options.

— You have made some calls/emails.

— You have tried but failed to communicate with U.S. coaches.

— You are not familiar with the NCAA regulations.

— You have communicated with coaches with no or little success.

Point B

Where you want to be ultimately with a successful college sports recruiting process is called as POINT B. Your destination school and coach offer you a scholarship. Several schools & coaches have offered scholarships to choose from.

What can fill the gap between Point A and Point B?

Let’s start with visibility. Can coaches intimidate you? You are the student-athlete. The coach is hired and employed by the university. There are several hurdles, which can possibly block your attempt to communicate with him or her. Those hurdles could be athletic secretaries or assistant coaches. So what they could is: might delete your message, never deliver it or put it in a large stack of other similar messages etc. A college coach gets many inquiries on a daily basis about scholarship opportunities. Thus there are not many scholarships available per team, the number of student-athletes always more than the potential actual landing spots.

Does The Coach Have The Time To View Your Info?

Now the frustrating parts come. You’ve pushed the send button or you’ve sent your DVD in the mail. And you think this will be good enough to display your or your child’s talents. However, the coach doesn’t have enough time because of his hectic schedule. He has practices, games and camps to attend. They also are busy inspecting game tape, creating new plays, and consulting with school administration. In fact, he also has to spend some time on his/her own family. Does he/she ever get to that stack/pile of emails or phone messages? Does the secretary or assistant coach act as a buffer and determine what is ultimately important and not important? Do they simply push the delete button on the careful email you have constructed? That’s all it takes for your efforts to go unnoticed.

You’ll feel good when you’ll come to know that college coaches in America are very interested in finding talent if at all possible.

“We recruit from different countries to enhance our program both on the field and off,” says James Madison Field Hockey coach Christy Morgan. “With all of our recruits, we look for people with great character and with a passion for life and sport. Internationals come with a variety of experiences and knowledge, which we can all learn from.”

That clearly means that there is interest. What’s truly important is fathom to get your message/profile to as many of the United States coaches as possible.

How Do Your Bypass The Buffer/Roadblock?

How do you get your message through to the coach with the least amount of problems? This is what iSportsRecruiting excels at. ISR is a trusted resource by many college and university coaches on many different levels in the United States. This clearly means that your message is not viewed as just “any” message from a kid or bias parent hopeful of getting a scholarship. The fact is the coach doesn’t want to miss your communication at any cost because the talented individual we submit has already been evaluated and is a good academic/athletic fit and is most likely eligible. It takes away many of the questions a coach may have to decode on his/her own. They can immediately access an extremely polished highlight reel with exact information about what that individual student-athlete could bring to the table. It is a great help for the coach because it gives honest feedback on whether the individual is capable of playing on their respective level. Does that mean the coach will instantly reach out to that particular student-athlete? Are they recruiting for that particular position for that particular school year? Do they have a particular skill set in mind for that position? Did something on the video catch their eye and keep their attention? That’s the purpose of what we do, getting all this answers to the college coaches within minutes. With our database they are able to view your academic and athletic information along with highlight videos on your online profile.

Saving time for the college coaches to focus on specifics that they are looking for in their athletes as well as saving time for the student-athletes on getting the information to the college coaches. iSportsRecruiting facilitates this process, making your online profile accessible to hundreds of coaches were you are a possible fit. Getting from point A to point B you will have a greater success by working with ISR.



Ronnie Romero

Ronnie Romero is the founder of iSports Recruiting. Guide student-athletes on the process of recruitment in the universities of USA and scholarships available.