A drive on the wild side

Ronnie Roscoe
3 min readApr 28, 2023


A drive on the wild side

Sarah was never one for adventure. She was content following her everyday routines, never straying too far outside her comfort zone or taking any risks. But when her best friend, Janet proposed a drive far away one weekend, Sarah reluctantly agreed.

Janet threw a few changes of clothes, a toothbrush, and some snacks into her red duffel bag. She opened the car door for Sarah, who was dressed in a white t-shirt and sunglasses. The sun dipped below the horizon as they drove through the countryside, past rolling hills flecked with wildflowers and tall pine trees casting shadows across small towns. They stopped in one of the quaint towns, admiring the rustic old buildings and listening to the birds chirping.

The air was crisp and chilly, the sky a dazzling shade of deep, rich violet. Sarah felt her heart race as excitement coursed through her veins — Janet had proposed an adventure, a chance to leave their comfort zone and experience something new and unknown. She couldn’t wait to embark on this wild ride.

They churned along the aged dirt path for hours, traveling through a lush and untamed landscape. The trees were giants, their branches swaying in the silver moonlight while stars winked from above. Despite being unable to see where they were headed, Sarah felt strangely content. It was as if she knew this winding course would lead them somewhere truly wonderful.

A halo of light shimmered through the black night, and Sarah and Janet were captivated by what they saw. A small gas station perched like a sentinel in the wilderness. Its single light bulb seemed to dance with electricity, casting a ghostly glow over its facade. Janet stepped out of the car, her eyes glittering under the spellbinding luminescence. The air between them vibrated with energy as they embraced the unknown. Sarah hesitated. She had a feeling they shouldn’t stay too long, something inside her telling her to keep moving.

Janet snatched two sodas from the gas station and threw them into the car. The next stretch of road was even more treacherous than before, with each twist and turn threatening to throw them off the cliff. A rush of adrenaline filled Sarah’s veins as the car climbed higher and higher until finally, they reached the summit of the winding mountain pass. The view below sent a chill down her spine.

In the distance, Sarah’s eyes were drawn to a small town in the valley below. The lights of the town were like stars, twinkling and beckoning her closer. An overwhelming sensation surged through her body as she felt her heart skip and thump in anticipation. She looked at Janet with smoldering intensity, and they both knew that this night was going to be one full of mystery and adventure.

Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed it, please let me know and follow me for more short stories 😊

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Ronnie Roscoe

Whether it's a journey through an enchanted forest or to the far reaches of space, the stories written by Ronnie Roscoe are sure to captivate and inspire!