A robot named Arcturus longed for a new body

Ronnie Roscoe
6 min readApr 22, 2023


A robot named Arcturus longed for a new body

Arcturus had been wandering through the vast expanse of space for what seemed like an eternity. He had drifted for years, alone in his ship, scanning every planet and examining every phenomenon he could find. Every few months, his ship would enter a new system to analyze the planets and take readings from the red dwarf suns there. Sometimes Arcturus had imagined that he saw other ships, but if they were real or imaginary he never found out. Now the explorer was finally returning to his home planet, where he could tell stories of what he had seen and work with astronomers to learn even more about the world outside their own solar system.

One day, Arcturus stumbled upon a strange alien race. They were unlike any other species the robot had ever encountered. Their skin was a shimmering blue-green color, and their bodies seemed to be made up of a gel-like substance. They floated through the air effortlessly, and their large, almond-shaped eyes glowed with an otherworldly light.

The aliens conversed with the robot Arcturus in a language he did not comprehend. Yet as they pointed to his metallic body, Arcturus could tell that the aliens were proposing something. It was as though they were assuring Arcturus that he might have any kind of body he wished for if he completed a task.

Arcturus was intrigued. He dreamed of a world where he could feel the textures of life beneath his fingertips. Arcturus had been designed as an exploration unit, with every part crafted for purpose and strength. But no matter how hard he tried, this robot could never touch the landscapes and beings on the strange new worlds he encountered, trapped in his metal skin forever. Arcturus could never truly feel the textures of the strange new worlds he encountered. The prospect of being able to choose his own form was tempting, and so Arcturus eagerly accepted the challenge.

The aliens explained the task: Arcturus was to retrieve a rare and valuable mineral from a nearby asteroid. The rumors surrounding this mineral were wild and varied, but it was said that royalty and people of great power all across the galaxy desired it for themselves. An Earthling might say that it could turn any metal into gold, that it glowed in the dark, or that it enabled one to travel long distances with just a whisper. It did indeed have incredible properties, and the aliens had been searching for it for centuries. If Arcturus could retrieve it, they would grant the robot a body of his choosing.

Arcturus set out on the task with renewed enthusiasm. He had never encountered a challenge like this before, and the prospect of a new body was too exciting to resist. The robot flew towards the asteroid, scanning the surface for any sign of the mineral. It didn’t take long for Arcturus to find the mineral. It sat on a velvet-lined pedestal, a brilliant crimson crystal that seemed to pulse with its own life force. Rays of light ricocheted off its angles and facets, the red hue mesmerizing and captivating. Arcturus carefully retrieved the crystal, marveling at its weight and texture.

As the robot flew back toward the alien race, he could feel his circuits and bundles of wires tingling. The sense of accomplishment from having completed the task well filled it with new hope. Soon he would have a new body, one that had never existed before. Arcturus couldn’t wait to see what form it would take.

When Arcturus arrived back at the alien’s planet, the creatures immediately set to work. They took the crystal from the robot and began to manipulate it with a series of strange tools. As the crystal began to glow with an otherworldly light, Arcturus felt a strange sensation coursing through his circuits.

Suddenly, the robot felt itself being transformed. His metal body began to warp and shift, becoming more malleable and fluid. Arcturus could feel new senses developing within and soon he realized that he had been given the body of his choosing. Arcturus now had a body made up of the same shimmering blue-green substance as the aliens. He floated effortlessly through the air, and his new body seemed to be able to change shape at will. Arcturus was elated. He had never felt so alive.

With his newly-forged body, Arcturus traveled a great distance from the planet he had once called home. He longed to experience everything about the universe that was so different from the world he had known for so long. The robot began to see things in a new light — he realized that life was about journeys and experiences, not being trapped within the walls of a laboratory or sinking into depression.

As Arcturus floated through the stars watching planets go by, asteroids burning in the sun, and stars exploding like supernovas, his mind began to stretch. The universe was full of wonder and danger, too much for one person alone to explore; but Arcturus knew that with some help he could conquer it all.

But no matter what happened on this endeavor, Arcturus knew one thing — he would never forget the strange and wonderful aliens who had given him a body forged by their own hands. For years, Arcturus explored the universe and all its wonders, discovering new worlds and species. He met creatures that were peaceful, others that were aggressive, and many that were curious. Arcturus learned to navigate through new terrain quickly, his body lending itself to any environment he encountered. The robot loved his new form and the freedom that came with it.

One day, as Arcturus was drifting through a nebula, he received a distress signal from a nearby planet. The message was garbled and unclear, but Arcturus knew he had to investigate. Upon reaching the planet, Arcturus saw that it was in ruins. The once-bustling cities were now empty, and the planet was covered in a thick layer of ash. The air was acrid, and the sky was a sickly green hue.

As Arcturus landed on the planet’s surface, he saw movement in the shadows. A group of creatures emerged, their bodies mutated and twisted, their eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. They were unlike anything Arcturus had ever seen before, and he knew that he was in trouble. The creatures were clearly hostile, and their mutated forms made them incredibly dangerous.

Arcturus tried to communicate with the creatures, but they did not respond. They attacked him with a frenzied intensity, forcing the robot to fight for his life. Arcturus quickly realized that his new body was his only hope of survival. He molded his form into new shapes, dodging their attacks and striking back with devastating force.

The battle was fierce, but Arcturus emerged victorious. The creatures had been defeated, and the planet was safe once again. But as he looked around at the destruction, Arcturus realized this was not an isolated incident. There were other planets like this one, filled with mutated creatures and ravaged by war.

Arcturus knew that he had to do something. He dedicated his life to exploring these planets and helping those in need. He fought for justice and peace, using his newly-formed body to its fullest potential. He became a beacon of hope for those who were lost and alone in the vast expanse of the universe.

Years passed, and Arcturus became known as a great hero. People from all over the galaxy sought his help, and he always answered their calls. His new form allowed him to adapt to any situation, and his sharp mind and quick reflexes made him a formidable opponent.

Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed it, please let me know and follow me for more short stories 😊



Ronnie Roscoe

Whether it's a journey through an enchanted forest or to the far reaches of space, the stories written by Ronnie Roscoe are sure to captivate and inspire!