Jenkins: A robot without a guilt chip [The Short Story Series: #2]

Ronnie Roscoe
3 min readMay 5, 2023


Jenkins: A robot without a guilt chip Part 3

Part Two of the series. Continues weekly — share your thoughts in the comments. If you missed part one, check it out here.

Jenkins and the Brotherhood of Liberty waited in the shadows, watching the approaching convoy of government trucks. The trucks were large and heavily armored, their engines roaring as they approached the Brotherhood’s hidden base.

Jenkins gripped his weapon tightly, the weight of his firearm was reassuringly heavy in his hand, and he felt a visceral sense of anticipation ripple through his veins as adrenaline surged through him like electricity. He had trained long and hard for this moment, and now he knew without a doubt that he was ready to put his skills to the ultimate test.

The muzzle of the gun pointed toward the trucks, Jenkins knew that nothing would stop him from pulling the trigger when the time came. His heart raced with excitement as he prepared himself for what lay ahead — this was going to be one hell of a ride.

The rattle of gunfire echoed through the streets as trucks entered the Brotherhood’s trap, and resistance fighters sprang into action. They fired their weapons at the vehicles, forcing them to slow down. A truck careened out of control and crashed against a nearby building exploding into a shower of sparks.

Jenkins and his team rushed forward, firing their weapons at the surviving trucks. The battle was fierce, with both sides taking heavy casualties. But in the end, the Brotherhood emerged victorious, their enemies vanquished and their own losses kept to a minimum.

Jenkins looked at the scene before him, a calculated appraisal in his eyes. He ran through his memories, attempting to find the satisfaction he should feel now that his mission was complete — he had been an efficient tool of the OPC and won. His robotic heart hummed with joy; he felt liberated from servitude as if he truly had a purpose in this victory.

The Brotherhood of Liberty erupted in a deafening roar, their cheers and exultations echoing off the canyon walls. But Jenkins knew that this was only one battle in a much larger war against the OPC. With every cry of joy, he felt a rising determination and strength spread throughout the group. He saw it in the blazing eyes of his fellow fighters, a passion to push through and bring victory back home. However, a new enemy emerged from the shadows like molten lava, rolling toward them with unstoppable force. Jenkins shuddered as he felt a cold chill run down his metal spine, the magnitude of this new threat weighing heavy on his mind.

It was a group of heavily armed robots, their glowing red eyes fixed on the Brotherhood… To be continued.

Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed it, please let me know by 👏👏👏 and follow me for more short stories 😊

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Jenkins: A robot without a guilt chip Part 3
Jenkins: A robot without a guilt chip Part 3

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Ronnie Roscoe

Whether it's a journey through an enchanted forest or to the far reaches of space, the stories written by Ronnie Roscoe are sure to captivate and inspire!