Murphy: Trapped in a race against the clock

Ronnie Roscoe
8 min readApr 23, 2023


Murphy was a career criminal who had retired to the southern coast of Spain, in the quiet fishing village of Estepona far away from the hustle and bustle of his previous life. He had thought that he had put his darker days behind him, but little did he know that his past life was about to catch up with him.

Murphy was an early riser and on this particular morning, he had decided to take a walk along the beach. The waves lapped at his feet as he strolled, and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw something odd in the sand. He bent down and wiped away some of the dust with his fingers, revealing a large wooden crate beneath it. His heart beat faster; someone had gone to great lengths to hide it here. Surrounded by questions, Murphy crouched closer and carefully opened the lid.

Inside the crate were numerous documents, from illegal arms deals, financial schemes and assassinations to other nefarious plots scrawled across the pages in faded barely legible text. It was clear to Murphy that he had stumbled across something that should never have been found. Knowing how bad this would be if it got into the wrong hand’s he quickly grabbed the documents and placed them under his jacket. He carefully glanced around to make sure no one had noticed him with the evidence, when he was certain no one was around he buried the box as deep as he could into the sand.

Murphy hurried up the street, head down and hands in his pockets. He passed by Casa Fortuna, feeling a wave of familiarity wash over him as he saw the curtains flutter in the same window where old Mr. Lopez was always perched, eyes narrowed and arms crossed as if he were waiting for something or someone to pass by. Murphy’s hands tightened into fists as he felt the old man’s eyes boring into his back. A single bead of sweat rolled down his temple as he picked up the pace, desperately hoping to evade the old man’s gaze. Now at home, Murphy quickly became paranoid, fearing that someone would come looking for the documents he had found. He was right to be worried, as the papers had been hidden away by a powerful criminal organization. Murphy’s eyes widened as he spotted the symbol. A golden rectangle with rounded corners. In its center, a black eagle perched atop a longsword, its talons gripping the hilt. The sight of it sent a chill down his spine.

As Murphy took a closer look at each document individually, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of his past life bearing down on him. He had thought he had left it all behind, but now it seemed like his past had caught up with him. Murphy knew that he couldn’t just sit back and hope that the criminal organization wouldn’t come after him. He had to take action.

He spent the night researching the organization which he knew to be called “The Black Eagle Syndicate”. Having been away from his shady criminal days of long ago, Murphy was trying to find out as much as he could about their operations and members. In the morning he reached out to some of his old contacts, hoping to gather more information. It wasn’t long before he realized that he was in way over his head. This wasn’t just any criminal organization — this was one of the most powerful and dangerous groups in the world.

Murphy knew that he had to leave Estepona, and fast. He packed a bag with some essentials and the documents and headed to the nearby town of Tarifa. He had heard that there was a ferry to the African continent, a town called Tangier. He knew that it was his best shot at getting as far away from the Black Eagle Syndicate as possible.

As he arrived in Tarifa, Murphy could feel the tension building up inside him. He kept checking his surroundings, making sure that he wasn’t being followed. His heart raced as he felt a rush of sweat drip down his spine. Never had he felt so exposed and defenseless.

He made his way to the passenger terminal of the port, trying to blend in with the crowd. He felt a sense of relief as he saw the ferry looming in the distance, ready to take him to a new life. But as he got closer, he noticed a group of men standing near the entrance to the ferry, and a chill ran down his spine. He recognized the symbol on their jackets — it was the same black eagle with the sword that he had seen on the documents. Murphy knew that he was in trouble. He had to think fast, as he could tell that these men were looking for him.

He quickly ducked into a nearby alley, heart racing as he tried to come up with a plan. He knew that he couldn’t stay in Tarifa any longer, but how could he get past the syndicate members and onto the ferry without being noticed?

That’s when an idea hit him. Murphy had always been quick on his feet, and he knew that this was his moment to shine. He pulled his jacket tighter around him and walked confidently over to the group of men, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

“Excuse me, I seem to have lost my ticket. Would you be able to help me out?”

The men looked at him suspiciously, but Murphy’s quick thinking had paid off. They didn’t recognize him, and they couldn’t exactly let him miss the ferry. One of the men handed him a ticket, and Murphy walked past them, feeling a sense of triumph in his chest. He had made it onto the ferry, and he was one step closer to leaving his troubled past behind.

However, as he made his way to the upper deck, Murphy couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. He scanned his surroundings, and his eyes fell on a man in a black suit and sunglasses, standing at the far end of the deck. Even from a distance, Murphy could tell that he was no ordinary passenger. He had the same telltale symbol on his lapel — the black eagle with the sword.

Murphy’s heart sank. He had been so close to freedom, but it seemed like the Black Eagle Syndicate had caught up with him. He knew that he couldn’t outrun them forever. As he sat down on the deck, he began to plan his next move. He had to find a way to get rid of the documents once and for all and to disappear into obscurity.

As the ferry made its way to Tangier, Murphy couldn’t help but think about his past. He had always known that it would catch up with him, but he had hoped that he could outrun it for a little longer. Now, it seemed like his luck had finally run out.

As the ferry docked in Tangier, Murphy made his way to a nearby café. He had to think fast, and he needed a plan. He ordered a local mint tea and sat down at a small table in the corner, scanning the crowd for any sign of danger. He knew that he was being watched, and he couldn’t afford to let his guard down.

That’s when he saw her. A woman with long, dark hair and piercing blue eyes, sitting at a nearby table. She was staring at him intently, and he could feel her gaze burning into his skin. He knew that he should be wary, but something about her drew him in. He couldn’t help but feel like she might be able to help him in some way.

Murphy strode towards her, eyes darting about the room. His palms were sweaty and his heart was thumping against his ribcage. He cleared his throat and forced a smile. “Excuse me, miss,” he said in a shaky voice, “but I couldn’t help but notice that you were… staring intently at me.

The woman smiled, and Murphy felt his heart skip a beat. “Sorry I have a terrible habit of doing that,” she said. “I just couldn’t help but notice that you seem a little lost. Is there anything that I can help you with?

Murphy hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether or not he should trust this woman. But something about her seemed trustworthy, and he decided to take a chance. He told her about the documents that he had found, and about the Black Eagle Syndicate that was after him.

The woman listened intently, and Murphy could see the gears turning in her head. “I think I might be able to help you,” she said finally. “But we need to move quickly. The Syndicate won’t stop until they have those documents in their possession. Do you still have them?

Murphy nodded, and the woman motioned for him to follow her. They walked quickly through the crowded streets of Tangier, trying to blend in with the locals. Murphy couldn’t help but feel grateful for this stranger who seemed to be risking her own safety to help him.

As they strolled towards a riad- a traditional Moroccan townhouse situated on the outskirts of the city the woman introduced herself as Amira. She told Murphy that she had connections within the Moroccan government, and that she might be able to help him get the documents safely out of the country.

Murphy felt a spark of hope ignite within him. Maybe this was his chance to finally leave his past behind and start over. He handed the documents to Amira, feeling a sense of relief as they left his possession.

Over the following few days, Murphy worked with Amira to secure his travel documents and book a flight to a new country. He knew that he couldn’t thank her enough for all that she had done for him. They spent hours talking, and Murphy couldn’t help but feel drawn to her. There was a connection between them that he couldn’t explain.

As the day of his departure drew near, Murphy found himself torn. Part of him wanted to leave and start over in a new country, but another part of him felt like he was leaving something important behind in Tangier. It was Amira. She had become more than just a stranger helping him out of a dangerous situation. She had become a friend, and something more.

On the day of his departure, Murphy said goodbye to Amira, unsure of what the future held. As he boarded the plane, he couldn’t help wondering if they would ever see each other again.

Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed it, please let me know and follow me for more short stories 😊



Ronnie Roscoe

Whether it's a journey through an enchanted forest or to the far reaches of space, the stories written by Ronnie Roscoe are sure to captivate and inspire!