"Small things can make big differences" : Why Apple doesn't improve a main feature ?

Ronny Dahan
2 min readApr 23, 2016


10 years later, our classic icons are the same . Apple didn’t improve their animated icons and should give a better experience to users.

You can find on your iPhone animated icons for some Apple App like iPhone Calendar which display the date and for the Clock app which display the time.

What about the Weather Forecast App?

It is not enough useful or opened every days by users to animated the icon and to display the actual weather from where i am.

How it should be :

Only Apple can provide to users a better experience on "animated icons" but they don't. Why Apple refuses to give access to developers to animate theirs app icons ?

Help us to find more useful points from your iPhone to improve our user experience and to open access to developers.

Apple : Give us access to animate an app icon or Improve it !!!

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