Fix QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1039: Expert Solution

3 min readApr 12, 2024

QuickBooks Web Connector (QBWC) streamlines the integration between QuickBooks Desktop and web-based applications, enhancing workflow efficiency. However, users may encounter QBWC1039 error, which can disrupt this integration process. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the causes behind QBWC1039, provide effective solutions, and address common FAQs to help you resolve this issue promptly.

Our QuickBooks ProAdvisor experts can assist you with any company file access issues within the software right away by calling +1(855)-738–0359 if you find the following remedies hard to understand or put into practice.

What is QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1039?

QBWC1039 is an error code associated with QBWC1039 Error code, indicating that QuickBooks is unable to write to the log file. Users encountering this error may see a message like: “QBWC1039: There was a problem adding the application. Check to see if QuickBooks is running and try again.”

“QBWC1039: If the QuickBooks company data file is not open…”

“QBWC1039: This application does not have permission to access the QuickBooks company data file…”

QBWC1039: Unique OwnerID/FileID pair value required”

QBWC1039: Unable to add FileID to company file for this Application”

QBWC1039: There was a problem adding the application. Check QBWCLog.txt for details”

Reasons Behind QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1039:

  • Insufficient Permissions: QBWC requires appropriate permissions to write to certain files and folders on your system. If the Web Connector lacks these permissions, it can lead to error QBWC1039.
  • Corrupted QWCLOG.TXT File: The QWCLOG.TXT file, which stores the log details of QuickBooks Web Connector, may become corrupted due to various reasons, such as abrupt system shutdowns or improper handling.
  • Conflict with Antivirus or Security Software: Sometimes, antivirus or security software installed on your system may interfere with QuickBooks Web Connector’s ability to write to the log file, triggering error QBWC1039.
  • Network Issues: Connectivity issues or network restrictions can also prevent QuickBooks Web Connector from writing to the log file, resulting in QBWC1039 error.

Solutions to Resolve QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1039:

Run QuickBooks Web Connector as Administrator:

  • Right-click on the QuickBooks Web Connector shortcut icon.
  • Select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.
  • Confirm any prompts that appear to grant administrative privileges.
  • Retry adding the application to QuickBooks Web Connector.

Check User Permissions:

  • Ensure that QuickBooks Web Connector has sufficient permissions to write to the log file and access necessary files and folders.
  • Adjust user permissions as needed to resolve any issues related to access restrictions.

Exclude QuickBooks Web Connector from Antivirus Scans:

  • Configure your antivirus or security software to exclude QuickBooks Web Connector and its associated files from scans and real-time protection.
  • Adding QBWC to the exclusions list can prevent interference from security software and resolve QBWC1039 error.

Restart QuickBooks and Web Connector:

  • Close QuickBooks and QuickBooks Web Connector
  • Restart both applications and attempt the integration process again
  • Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary issues causing QBWC1039 error.

Recommended to Read :- Helping Guide If QuickBooks Use Microsoft 365 as Webmail

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: Can I run QuickBooks Web Connector without administrative privileges?

  • While it’s possible to run QBWC without administrative privileges, granting administrative rights can resolve certain issues, especially related to file and folder permissions.

Q2: How do I check if QuickBooks Web Connector has the necessary permissions?

  • You can check and adjust user permissions for QuickBooks Web Connector by navigating to the properties of the QBWC executable file and selecting the “Security” tab.

Q3: Will disabling antivirus software compromise system security?

  • Temporarily excluding QuickBooks Web Connector from antivirus scans does not compromise system security significantly. However, it’s essential to re-enable antivirus protection after resolving QBWC1039 error.


QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1039 can hinder the seamless integration between QuickBooks Desktop and web applications. By understanding the underlying causes of this error and implementing the solutions provided in this guide, you can effectively resolve QBWC1039 and ensure smooth operation of QuickBooks Web Connector. If you encounter any further issues, consider reaching out to QuickBooks ProAdvisor for additional assistance +1(855)-738–0359.

Read more :- Fixing QuickBooks Web Connector Error QBWC1085: Step-by-Step Guide

