The Ultimate Lazy Keto Meal Plan for Beginners

8 min readJun 29, 2023


So you’ve decided to try the keto diet, but the thought of planning and preparing meals every day has you dragging your feet. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. The lazy keto diet is the perfect solution for beginners who want the benefits of ketosis without spending hours in the kitchen. This easy 7-day meal plan gives you a straightforward set of recipes to get you started. You’ll be in ketosis before you know it, melting fat and boosting your energy levels. No complicated recipes, no expensive ingredients, no meal prep required. Just delicious, keto-friendly foods you can throw together in minutes. Get ready to become a keto pro without lifting a finger (well, maybe just one finger to scroll through these recipes!). This foolproof guide will show you how simple and satisfying the keto diet can be.

What Is Lazy Keto and Who Is It For?

So what exactly is lazy keto and who is it good for? Lazy keto, also known as dirty keto, is a more relaxed version of the keto diet that’s perfect for beginners.

If you want to try keto but don’t want to track macros or measure ketones, lazy keto is for you. The idea is to cut way back on carbs — we’re talking less than 50 grams a day — and load up on fats and moderate protein. Some easy ways to do lazy keto:


Focus on keto-friendly whole foods. Things like eggs, meats, above-ground veggies, nuts, and seeds. Limit starchy veggies, grains, sugar, and processed junk.



Cook keto versions of your favorite comfort foods. Make keto pizza, keto tacos, keto mac and cheese. Use keto-friendly ingredients to create low-carb versions of the dishes you love.



Keep keto snacks on hand. Things like pork rinds, jerky, cheese, olives, and avocado are perfect for curbing cravings.



Don’t worry about macros or ketone levels. As long as you’re avoiding high-carb, high-sugar foods and eating more natural fats and proteins, you’ll get into ketosis. No need to meticulously track everything you eat.


Lazy keto is ideal for keto newbies because it’s simple and sustainable. You can ease into the low-carb lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed. Once you get the hang of it, you can choose to tighten up your diet and track macros if you want to, but lazy keto will still get you results. Give it a try — your waistline will thank you!

The Benefits of Following a Lazy Keto Meal Plan

Following a lazy keto meal plan has some major benefits.

For starters, it’s sustainable. strict keto diets can be hard to stick to long-term because they require meticulous tracking and meal prep. Lazy keto is more flexible — you just focus on eating low carb, high fat foods without obsessing over macros. This makes it easier to make keto a lifestyle versus a short-term diet.

Lazy keto is also beginner-friendly. If you’re new to keto, lazy keto allows you to ease into the diet without feeling overwhelmed by restrictions and rules. You can start by just eliminating high-carb foods like sugar, grains, and starches. Then, as you get comfortable, you can fine-tune your fat and protein intakes.

Another perk is that lazy keto reduces keto flu symptoms. By not dramatically cutting carbs all at once, you’re less likely to experience side effects like nausea, fatigue, and dizziness. Your body has more time to adapt to using fat for fuel.

Finally, lazy keto leads to many of the same health benefits as strict keto like improved cognition, balanced blood sugar, reduced inflammation and improved heart health. While weight loss may be slightly slower, you’ll still reach ketosis and reap rewards.

In summary, lazy keto makes the keto diet more realistic and sustainable in the long run. It’s ideal for beginners and helps minimize flu-like symptoms as your body transitions into ketosis. And though weight loss may be gradual, you can still achieve ketosis and improve your health. For many, lazy keto is the perfect balance of achieving results while maintaining a livable lifestyle.

A 7-Day Lazy Keto Meal Plan for Beginners

A 7-Day Lazy Keto Meal Plan to Get You Started

Getting started with the keto diet doesn’t have to be difficult. This simple 7-day lazy keto meal plan provides easy recipes to help you ease into the keto lifestyle.

For the first few days, keep things straightforward. Have scrambled eggs or an omelet for breakfast. Add in veggies like spinach and tomatoes, cheese, and cooked bacon or sausage. For lunch, do a simple salad with grilled chicken, low-carb veggies, cheese, and olive oil. For dinner, cook a steak with sautéed spinach and zucchini noodles. Snack on nuts, jerky, or cheese.

As the week goes on, try new keto-friendly recipes. Bake chicken thighs with broccoli and cheese. Make lettuce wrap tacos with ground beef, cheese, avocado, and salsa. Cook spaghetti squash with meatballs and low-carb marinara sauce. Try keto chili, keto pad thai, or keto pizza. There are so many options!

Some other tips for your first week of lazy keto:

•Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

•Track your macros to make sure you’re eating the right amounts of fat, protein, and carbs. Aim for 70–75% fat, 20–25% protein, and 5–10% carbs.

•Get extra salt by using bone broth, bouillon cubes, or electrolyte supplements. This will prevent the “keto flu.”

•Plan and prep meals ahead of time. Make extra portions so you have leftovers.

•Allow yourself to adapt. It can take a week or two to get into ketosis. Don’t get discouraged if you feel off. Your body is adjusting!

The key is to keep things simple at first. Once you get the hang of it, you can start experimenting with new recipes and tracking your ketones and blood sugar levels. But for now, focus on eating whole foods, watching your portions, and staying hydrated. You’ve got this! The keto lifestyle will become second nature in no time.

Keto-Friendly Snacks to Keep You Going

When following a keto diet, snacks can be challenging since many carb-heavy and sugary options are off the table. Here are some keto-friendly snacks to satisfy your cravings and keep you in ketosis.

Cheese crisps

Missing the crunch of chips or crackers? Make cheese crisps. Place slices of cheese on a baking sheet and bake at 350 F until the cheese bubbles and browns, about 10–15 minutes. Let cool and enjoy your crispy, salty treat. Popular cheese options include cheddar, gouda, Swiss or goat cheese.


Olives are a perfect keto snack. High in healthy fats but low in carbs, olives will satisfy your craving for something savory. Enjoy plain or stuffed with garlic, chili peppers, feta or almonds. Olives also pair great with cheese, meats and nuts.

Beef jerky

Beef jerky is a protein-packed snack that contains almost zero carbs. Look for options with no added sugar — many brands will add sugar to improve flavor. Jerky comes in a variety of flavors like original, spicy or teriyaki. For the best nutritional profile, choose grass-fed beef jerky.


Creamy avocados are a keto dieter’s best friend. Mash half an avocado with some lime juice, garlic and salt for a quick guacamole. You can also top avocado with salsa, olives, bacon bits or fried eggs. High in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber, avocados will keep you feeling full for hours.

Dark chocolate

Can’t live without chocolate? Opt for high-quality dark chocolate with at least 85% cocoa. A few squares contain healthy fats, antioxidants and minimal sugar. Look for chocolate with no added sugar that lists cocoa butter, cocoa powder and cocoa beans as the first three ingredients.

Snacking on keto doesn’t have to be boring. With options like cheese crisps, olives, beef jerky, avocados and dark chocolate, you’ll never feel deprived following a keto diet. Mix and match these snacks for the perfect balance of fat, protein and flavor.

FAQs About Lazy Keto: All the Answers You Need

Do I have to count macros on lazy keto?

Not strictly. The lazy keto diet focuses more on carb restriction than precise macro tracking. You still want to aim for moderate protein and high fat, but you don’t need to meticulously log every morsel of food you eat. As long as you make low-carb, high-fat choices and stay under 20–30 grams of net carbs per day, you’ll be in ketosis and losing weight.

What foods can I eat on lazy keto?

Some easy, delicious options for lazy keto include:


Eggs: Scrambled, poached, omelets — eggs are keto friendly and easy to make.



Cheese: Cheddar, gouda, brie, goat cheese. Cheese is high in fat and protein but low in carbs.



Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, pecans. Nuts make a great snack but watch portion sizes as they do contain carbs.



Avocados: Mash half an avocado and spread it on low-carb toast or eat with a spoon.



Non-starchy veggies: Leafy greens, broccoli, cucumbers, mushrooms, etc. Load up on low-carb veggies.



Meat: Chicken, beef, fish, pork. Easy to cook in bulk and add to meals or snacks.



Olive oil and coconut oil: Use for cooking, salad dressings and more. Adds healthy fats to your diet.


Do I need to exercise on lazy keto?

Exercise is not required for lazy keto but it does have benefits. Some easy options include:


Walking: Go for 30–60 minute walks 3–4 times a week. Walking provides light activity and stress relief.



Yoga: Gentle yoga or stretching helps increase flexibility and balance. Even 15–20 minutes a few times a week can help.



Light strength training: Use dumbbells or resistance bands to do some simple strength exercises like arm curls, shoulder presses and squats. Build muscle and boost your metabolism.


While the lazy keto diet focuses on diet over exercise, some light activity will enhance your results and provide additional health benefits. Do what you can and don’t overcomplicate it. Every little bit helps!


So there you have it, a simple 7-day lazy keto meal plan to get you started. No fancy recipes or hard to find ingredients, just easy keto staples you can find at any grocery store. Give this plan a try for a week and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a keto pro. Once you’ve got the basics down, you can start experimenting by adding in different meats, cheeses, non-starchy veggies and healthy fats. The possibilities are endless! Keto is all about eating real whole foods and listening to your body. So take it slow, enjoy the journey and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You’ve got this! Now go fill up your cart, get cooking and start fueling your body with fat. The keto life awaits!

