Photo by Stacy Stipek in one of the valleys

Illiam’s Ranch for Children

Ron The Siberian
3 min readSep 4, 2017


Oh my, Stacy and I have been busy these last several months.

Writing books, making movies, working with our small companies and others projects that are bursting at their seams.

As many of you know our youngest boy, Illiam, died this time last year and we still cry about it but I can not begin to tell you how many lives he’s influenced and still is influencing.

I can say his death has taken our dream of having a little ranch in the Altai’s to a place for displaced children, a Central Asian Summer Camp for Children. We spent a good 5 days hiking around several pieces of land and the islands on the river were decided against, mostly because one of those hundred year floods, just recently, came down that river and you could see small trees entangled in larger trees 5 meters up from the river bank. Needless to say the islands were underwater for several days and Stacy didn’t like the idea of wearing scuba gear, during the flood season, no matter how sturdy our house might be.

Looking down at the land

Just the same when the limits of our exploration grew we found ourselves walking up the sides of the mountain foothills into a land that we understood was the place. The first 500 meters up a 40% grade to a ridge had Stacy looking at me like “no way in hill” was this going to be the place until we were able to gaze over that ridge. As we rested, nearly 900 meters up, this is when Stacy’s heart knew this was the bounder of our lands.

And since our little hike, we have created a deal with several people called the “Harmony Agreement” to buy up these hills and valley’s to create a ranch/camp for displaced children. In the picture, off in the far distance is the UNESCO Shambhala and the foot hills you see closer are the very lands that Genghis Khan once lived.

It will probably take us a few years to incorporate the land trust, though this coming spring one of our American members will be here to start purchasing of some of the land for the trust, and I will keep telling the story as it evolves, but if you want to be involved in anyway please let us know.

Stacy took thousands of beautiful pictures

Turret Hill

The hill in the middle was full of wild strawberries but it is the place that I think next summer we’ll build a turret that will be our water tower, along with a wind mill.

Also, on top of that hill was an old ruin, but I assume it’s not old old, we don’t plan to upset it and you can still see its large stone foundation.

One of our Chinese partners plans to start bringing Chinese children here next summer.

I have the vision that the ranch will be similar to the Warm Beach Campgrounds in Washington State but I also wanted to include a cancer center for children.

Reach out to us if you have ideas or want to help in some way.

Ron The Siberian

