Artem Popov, co-founder of Roobee, met on the blockchain-cruise with Roger Ver.

Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2019

Artem Popov, co-founder of Roobee and a 300,000+ member community of investors, met on the blockchain-cruise with Roger Ver, a well-known cryptocurrency entrepreneur and investor. They talked with on various topics related to the blockchain industry, cryptocurrency and the cryptomarket in general.

Artem Popov with Roger Ver, CEO

Artem asked Roger several questions for our community of investors, to which he gladly answered. Roger spoke about how convenient it is to live in Japan and engage in crypto-business, how Japanese people really feel about cryptocurrency, why Bitcoin Cash will overthrow Bitcoin, and how to promote commercial projects in general.

Roger, could you share with us what marketing techniques do you use in promotion?

“I think the best tool we have in our arsenal is the domain name But one of the really fun tools we build on top of the is, where anybody could go and get some free Bitcoin cash. It is a really wonderful way for people to get their first experience with cryptocurrency.”

Roger, you’ve been living in Japan long enough, could you tell us why you decided to move to this country? What is the difference between the attitude of Japanese people to cryptocurrencies, from the attitude of people from the rest of the world to them?

“When I was young I knew I didn’t want to live in the USA anymore. In fact, I am not the U.S. citizen anymore. One of the happiest things in my life. But, I didn’t know where to live, I just wanted to live somewhere outside of the U.S. I had a Japanese girlfriend before, it was a good experience and I figured out there’s more in Japan. But if I had a Russian girlfriend I could have ended up in Russia. And as for the Japanese culture regarding to cryptocurrencies — people know about it there, they’ve heard about Satoshi Nakamoto, they know about Bitcoin. All the places that started accepting Bitcoin in Tokyo are now accepting Bitcoin Cash. There is a super active, vibrant Bitcoin Cash community in Tokyo. I think people view Tokyo as being a cryptocurrency heart, but it’s actually going to become one of the strongest tops of Bitcoin Cash in the world as well. It is really fun to see that spreading in Japan.”

You have said many times that Bitcoin Сash will beat Bitcoin, and will become the main cryptocurrency. Can you tell how and why? Many readers find this very interesting.

“I don’t actually have to do much of anything to assure that. Because, if you look at the fundamental reasons why Bitcoin became popular in the first place back in the 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014s — the version of BTC today doesn’t have those characteristics. And those characteristics are: fast, cheap, reliable and decentralized payment for the world. Bitcoin Cash has all those characteristics today. So, the very things that made Bitcoin popular to begin with — BTC doesn’t have them anymore and Bitcoin Cash does. We don’t know will it take a month, or year, or even a decade, but at some point Bitcoin Cash is going to surpass BTC in terms of market share, adoption, price and all these things. Because it has the characteristics that make it good money. Where is BTC now? The transactions are slow, expensive and unreliable. People don’t want to use things that are slow, expensive and unreliable. That’s why so many businesses including will switch to Bitcoin Cash.”

The Internet and blockchain have changed the world quite a lot. In which technologies in cryptocurrency, and in general in the world as a whole, do you see the future?

“For blockchain it is, of course, the money applications is the killer app. I always hear the people say: “What’s the killer app for blockchain?”. The killer app is cash! We are seeing that happen — the people from all over the world are using blockchains as money and for money. In fact, to pick something other than that — I am really excited and interested in prediction markets. I think people don’t appreciate just how powerful the tool of prediction markets are for the world. You can use it to predict the future, you can use it to figure out what actions you should take today to achieve the desired goals you have for the future, or you can use it to change the future. That’s are really powerful tools. I think people don’t appreciate just how powerful and how important prediction markets are going to be. Especially now, when we have blockchains to make them decentralized, so they won’t be sensitive to control. This is a really exciting time to be alive.”

Thank you very much for your time and for an interesting interview. We have more than 400 thousand subscribers in various social networks from Russia, CIS and other countries. All these people are crypto-enthusiasts, some beginners, some with a lot of experience. Could you give some guidance or advice on your own behalf?

“Thank you all for being interested in digital cash for the world. Digital cash for the world has the ability to bring more financial freedom for the world, more economic freedom for the world, raises everybody’s standards of living. If you look around the world — the countries with the most economic freedom have the fastest rates of economic growth and the highest standards of living. So we should all work together to spread economic freedom to the world by spreading digital currencies. ”




Roobee is a blockchain-based investment platform. Website: