Dan Kaizer, member of the Roobee team, the winner of ETHWaterloo organized by Ethereum Foundation.

Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2019

Dan Kaizer, member of the Roobee team, participated in the three-day hackathon held on 13–15 October of 2017. He won a prize-place as part of TherdEye team, presenting a solution to the problem of smart contract auditing.

Dan Kaizer of HashLab (right) with Vitalik Buterin

The hackathon took place in the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in Waterloo, Canada. More than 400 developers from 32 countries competed for the right to present their projects before renowned judges among whom were Joseph Lubin, the founder of Consensys; Joey Krug, founder of Augur and Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum.

The interesting part about ETHWaterloo is that the event was free for all participants and the prizes were not the main incentive for participation.

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, a former student at the Waterloo University, gave a keynote speech on the thriving ecosystem of Ethereum developers and the future of technology. In addition, CIGI Senior Fellow Julie Maupin, an expert on cryptocurrency law and international trade, delivered a presentation on the legal and regulatory implications of blockchain technology.

Dan Kaizer and TherdEye team ended up among the eight winners for creating a platform which solves the problem of smart contract auditing.

You can learn more about the team and the platform here: https://devpost.com/software/third-eye-zs7e4v




Roobee is a blockchain-based investment platform. Website: https://roobee.io/