How Long will My Home Roof Last?

Roofing Construction
4 min readNov 10, 2021

A roof is one of the most expensive purchases a homeowner can make in his or her home. For those considering purchasing a home or making improvements to their current residence, the longevity of their roof may be a major factor in their decision.

When properly maintained, your home’s roof can endure anywhere from 20 to 70 years, depending on a variety of different circumstances. The most essential factor is the material selected, however, frequent inspections and maintenance, as well as harsh weather occurrences, can considerably increase or decrease the lifespan of a structure. We’ll go over just how long you may expect your home’s roofing to survive, as well as the individual factors that may have an impact on that forecast, in the sections below. Please do not hesitate to contact roofing contractors in Gresham at any time if you have any questions or concerns about your roofing system.

Roofing Materials are made of a variety of materials.

The type of roofing material utilized has a considerable impact on the lifespan. Asphalt shingles are commonly used as the standard roofing material for residential buildings. However, if you have a specific aesthetic in mind, you may want to consider using a different roofing material altogether. You might also be interested in some of the other advantages of alternative roofing materials, such as their long-term durability. Overall, the more expensive a piece of material is, the longer it is likely to last.

Shingles made of asphalt

Asphalt shingles are used on the majority of residential roofs, and they have a lifespan of approximately 25 years. The greater the amount of maintenance performed by a homeowner, the longer the roof will endure. If a homeowner examines their roof for leaks on a regular basis, notices any missing or broken shingles, and keeps their gutters clear, they will be much less likely to have to replace their roof before the 25-year anniversary of the installation.

Ceramic Tiles are a type of ceramic tile.

A ceramic tile roof has a lifespan of around 50 years (or longer, depending on how well it is maintained). Ceramic roofs are popular because of their elegance and longevity, despite the fact that they are extremely heavy and need the use of more substantial roof structures.

Roofing Made of Metal

A metal roof will typically endure between 40 and 70 years, depending on the conditions. Of course, there are many various types of metal roofing available (including stone coated steel, copper, and standing seam metal roofing), and the precise sort of materials utilized may have an impact on the roof’s durability as well. Metal roofs have been increasingly popular in recent years, owing to the fact that metal can be manufactured in a variety of forms to replicate a variety of architectural styles. Metal roofs are often low-maintenance and quick to install, thanks to their lightweight design.

Shingles made of wood

Wood shingle roofs are constructed in a similar manner to asphalt roofs, except that the shingles are made of wood (such as cedar). They typically have a lifespan of 30 to 40 years. Despite the fact that wood shingle roofs are naturally resistant to a variety of pests, they do require regular maintenance.

Events Caused by Severe Weather

Know what the weather is like in your area and how it can affect your roofing is essential for a successful roofing project. Hail can rip off shingles and dent metal roofing, causing them to fall off. Tornadoes and hurricanes may obviously rip roofing materials off buildings, but even being in close proximity to locations where tornadoes and hurricanes are likely to strike can be hazardous. Many homeowners are unaware that high winds can cause a great deal more damage to their roof than they realize. Furthermore, if you live in a region where there is a lot of snow, the weight and moisture from the snow might cause damage to your roofing. Regular roof inspections following severe weather events can assist to prevent long-term roof damage.

Roof Repair and Maintenance

Just because a roof has a 20-year lifespan does not imply that it will need to be replaced at the end of that time period. It is highly dependent on how well the roof is maintained. For example, if gutters are allowed to become clogged with debris, they will eventually overflow. The water will become stagnant. Once the water has been allowed to sit, it will gradually seep through. A significant amount of work will be required to fix the roof (and there may be damage inside of it). One of the many roof care duties is to ensure that the gutters are free of debris.

Aside from that, homeowners should inspect their roofs for damage on a regular basis, especially after storms or hail. The sooner problems with the roof are addressed, the less likely it is that these problems may become serious. Homeowners, particularly those who live in high-wind locations, will want to remove tree limbs that are close to their property boundaries.

Identifying the age of your roof

Finding out how long your roofing type may survive is useless if you don’t know when it was placed in the first place. If you have recently purchased your property, you may still be able to find out how old the roof is. Typically, this information is available to the public and will appear on paperwork pertaining to your property. The age of your roof should be recorded in your records because it is typically one of the most important questions answered.

It is possible, however, for someone to repair a roof without notifying the authorities. It’s critical to find out how old your roof is from the previous owner because the age of your roof can affect your insurance rates. When insuring a home, insurance firms prefer that the roof is less than ten years old.



Roofing Construction

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