5 FAQs On Roof Restoration That Most Adelaide People Ask

Roof Specialist SA
2 min readFeb 11, 2020

Every roof becomes dirty after some time. Due to the harsh weather in a place like Adelaide, it deteriorates after some time. A tiled roof gets covered in lichen, and the cemented roof loses its glory and charm. Eventually, you are forced to call an expert roof restoration in Adelaide and get it renovated fully.

However, since it is a costly affair, people have so many doubts in their minds. They get puzzled by the questions and queries, and unable to decide about the right path, sometimes.

This blog is about five most frequently asked questions and their answers about roof restoration. You read the blog, and most likely, you will find your question there.

Q1 — Is it okay to repair the roof instead of restoring?

It is the most frequently asked question, obviously, because of the cost difference between roof repair and restoration. The answer is “yes” when there are minor issues, and the roof is not very old.

Q2 — How much expensive will it be to restore a roof?

Everyone wants to know about the expenses before calling a roof restoration company. Indeed, the cost of restoration is higher than repairs. It varies greatly depending on the type of restoration required, area of the roof, the condition the roof is in, and so on.

Many restoration companies offer a free quote. They come to your place, check the condition, and give an estimate.

Q3 — Can’t it be done in-house?

People are very much fascinated by the DIY methods. They think that it is easy and doable to restore a roof as well. However, the reality is different. Roof restoration is a complex task that requires special skills. It is not possible to tackle it by DIY methods.

Small repairs can be done in-house, but for major restorations, you must give a buzz to the best restoration expert in the town.

Q4 — Will the restoration last longer?

Since the restoration work is expensive, you want to last it long. Well, several factors go into how long the roof will last. Sometimes, the restored roof wears out quite fast due to harsh weather. In normal circumstances, it should serve ten to fifteen years.

Q5 — Why does a roof wear out?

Since the roof is exposed to elements, it wears out fast. Direct sun, mold, and mildew, storms, and hailstones; the list of factors that cause aging of the roof is long.



Roof Specialist SA

If you are in need of roof repairs or roof restoration in Adelaide call Roof Specialists SA on 0405 755 000. Roofing contractor in Adelaide.