fran rooks
2 min readJul 18, 2023


Toxic People Affect Our Mental Well-Being

Toxic Types

The word Toxic is Latin, borrowed from the Greeks, meaning “bow” or “arrow” and “poison.”

Toxic grows from selfishness, which is likely on the rise, fed by cultural upheaval and rudeness. Recent studies in America show increased civility, with politicians, the internet, and social apps as culprits. This can be found among the in-fighting and loud bame-calling and outbursts among many politicians both on the floor and in the halls.

Toxic people can be spotted as anyone whose behavior adds negativity and upsets your life. They are the worst kinds of people to have in your life. We can’t choose who enters our lives, but we can choose who stays.

Characteristics of Toxic People:

  • They are masters of manipulation
  • They attempt to control you
  • They blame you for everything
  • They will never admit their mistakes
  • They are dishonest and selfish
  • They always play the victim
  • Dishonest is a core characteristic
  • They feel entitled
  • They have a lot of drama

How To Handle A Toxic Person:

  • Take deep breaths to calm yourself
  • Set boundaries and draw the line



fran rooks

As I get older and older I realize just how much I didn't know. But, since I retired, I have time to research and learn.