Hello, Toronto!

3 min readNov 14, 2017


Toronto we’re here! I’ve been in Toronto for a week now… Whilst the people are warm and friendly the weather is definitely the opposite! This is my first time in Toronto so I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to, here’s what I’ve experienced during my first week with the RoomForTea team in Toronto…

“Everyone’s been really warm and friendly”

I love how friendly everyone is! When I arrived at Toronto airport, the ticket inspector at the airport train station helped me carry my suitcase onto the train. I asked a few people on the street for directions and everyone’s been really warm and friendly. I feel like it’s easy to make friends. In London people avoid interaction at all costs!

Darts are always a great way to make friends!

Initially, I felt like Toronto was a lot quieter than London, but then I discovered that shopping malls [the Eaton Centre] here can feel a lot like Oxford Street!

In London there are so many pubs, shops and restaurants spread out across each area. In Toronto, most neighbourhoods have a concentration of shops and restaurants on the high street with residential streets all around. It feels more quiet and relaxed to walk around, but sometimes you fee like you are looking for a coffee shop for a while… I am missing the local London pubs!

One of my funniest moments was in the shopping mall. A guy came up to me asking me ‘where’s a good place to get a sandwich?’, I think that was his pick-up line! I replied ‘I don’t know, it’s my first day here!’ It was a funny conversation.

“I have missed the pubs!”

My top tip for anyone visiting would be to pack some warm clothes… the weather got as cold as -10 when I’ve been here, and it’s only the beginning of November! A lot of the city is connected through underground tunnels and shopping malls though, so you end up spending a lot of time indoors. Everywhere has the heating on really high too, so you often feel a lot warmer than in London!

“It was a great London-Toronto connection!”

We held our first Toronto event on Thursday! The niece of one of our London hosts ended up coming along and shared some wonderful insights about Toronto, it was a great London-Toronto connection!

To keep up to date with what I’m up to check out our Facebook page, Twitter (@roomfortea) and our Instagram (@roomfortea). If you’re not a host or guest yet in London or Toronto you can sign up at www.roomfortea.com/signup

