Hello world!

I’m Roomino


My name is Roomino.

Even if I don’t have superpowers (not yet!), I’m pretty sure I can be of great help if you’re a business traveler.


You can ask me to find a hotel for you on Slack. Just drop me a line with your request: “roomino i need a hotel in new york from 07/01 to 07/02” and I’ll display you the best available options:

Click here to add Roomino within your Slack integrations.

And if you think your team may love it too, you can easily invite them once you complete your sign up.


And this is just the beginning, soon I’ll do the same if you need a Uber drive or if you want to buy a flight ticket, or check the most convenient bus time to visit your grandma on Sunday. I will be able to help you with all this stuff with no need to leave your Slack team.

And there is more than this, within 6–8 months, when I grow up a little bit and become a more clever guy, I won’t need any help and I’ll perfectly know which is your favourite hotel chain, if you prefer a private studio or a business class hotel, if you like traveling in comfort class instead of economy, or if you may need a Uber picking you up at the airport 30 minutes after your flight lands. Can you believe it?


Even if I’m cute and girls will certainly fall in love with me, I’m also an ambitious and obstinate badass and my mission is much harder that this. Imagine a world where travel apps can talk to each other, exchanging information and making possible for business travelers to manage all these travel services from one single place. I know it may take some time, but I won’t stop until I get this work done. Someday, I’ll be an amazing API which will unify the fragmented scenario of travel services, getting data from them and synchronizing all this information in one place.

Go here to engage with me: www.roomino.com

If you believe you can help me pursue my dream, send over your thoughts or suggestions to hello@roomino.com

Thanks to my friends: @angiecois, @jceb, @ralts00, @JaKuVera @juanpabloaj, @josuegio.



June 25th update: Today we’ve been featured on Product Hunt. Comments and upvotes will be helpful: http://www.producthunt.com/tech/roomino

