Android Developer-A Journey

Rooparsh Kalia
3 min readNov 26, 2019


Hey Folks 🤗 !! I have been trying to write a tech blog for quite a long time, but never found my courage to share my views. So recently a friend of mine encouraged me to go ahead without the fear of result.

So here I am. Though I have a lot to say, but since it’s my first attempt at writing so I will keep it short & stick with my experience as an Android Developer and my journey so far.

I will break down my story in 3 phases.

Photo by Jefferson Santos

Phase 1: Beginning

So my Android journey started back in 2015 when I joined a startup as an Android developer for my 6 weeks internship programme. Honestly back then I didn’t knew JAVA, just had experience of C++(although it’s a different thing that I still don’t know JAVA 😝). So, most of the times I found myself struggling with JAVA environment and/or Googling “How to do this”, “What’s this”… But somehow I managed to cope with my time there.

So, with somewhat 6 weeks of experience and some self practice, I landed myself my first ever Android project through a friend.

Photo by Fabian Grohs

Phase 2 : The test match starts

So in January 2017, I got placed in a startup as an Android Developer. Honestly back then, what I knew and what those people were working on, those were miles apart. So I had to start again, right from the basics. It was there I first heard about Retrofit, custom views and all other amazing stuff.

Few of the things learnt there:

  1. Clean and Readable Code
  2. Writing code is as much as important as reading code. And by reading code, I mean good quality code.
  3. It’s best to follow an Architecture throughout the project. It can be any architecture whether MVC , MVP, MVVM, MVI or Clean.
  4. Get your code reviewed. It’s not necessary that whatever you wrote is the best solution.
  5. Discuss before writing code.
  6. Follow latest market trends and technologies.
  7. Last but not the least, never stop learning.
Photo by Florian Olivo

It was here I was introduced to Amit Shekhar, Jake Wharton and Kaushik Gopal. These trio are simply lit. A big bow down to them 🙇🏻‍♂️. These were the guys who helped me shaped my career and were my source of motivation whenever I felt down or was stuck somewhere.

With the support of my family, friends, colleagues and android community I got a chance to attend Android Dev Summit 2018 and meet fellow android developers from around the world.

So jumping to present, 2019…. the Android has moved a lot from where it was a couple of years ago.

Phase 3 : Future

From where I am standing right now, I think that Android is gonna stay for quite a long time. Though it has changed a lot and is still changing, but it’s gonna stay. And I will keep learning and working for my android community.

Apart from Android Development, I have tried my hands on backend development using Node.js and Machine Learning. It’s fun pursuing other domains also as it helps us seeing our domain with much wider angle.

Keep supporting guys, will be back soon with something a bit more technical.

Keep learning , keep growing.



Rooparsh Kalia

Software Engineer trying to swim in the ocean of technology