7 Startup Ideas I Want You To Steal

roop small
2 min readNov 11, 2015


Even if it does sound like it’s worth stealing, there are at least a thousand times more people that have good ideas than people who are willing to do the kind of work it takes to turn a great idea into a great company — Sam Altman

In cooperation with Sam’s proclamation on the mount, here are my current Top 7 Startup Ideas. Please purloin them all, oh venturous startup founders!

  1. Design a currency denominated in Energy (joules). In essence everything we are and everything we need is energy. Matter is energy, food is energy, fuel is energy… Why try so hard to attain units of paper currency when all we ultimately do is exchange them back into units of energy?
  2. Airless Magnetic Tyres. Instead of filling up a tyre with air, use magnetic strips placed inside the tube to repel the sides of the tube away from each other. No more punctures.
  3. 1 Year Emergency Supply Box. Research, design and manufacture the smallest possible container of condensed food and liquids that would sustain a human being for one year. #Apocalypse
  4. Electronic supermarket price tags with surge pricing and real-time special offers. Does what it says on the tin; this one is many many years overdue. Ad to that a body scanner which checks out your groceries automatically, like in this ancient IBM advert, and we would all collectively save squillions of hours per year. Fact.
  5. Algorithmic age detector. An algorithm that detects someone’s age by analysing a sequence of photographs of them up to the present day. An amazing improvement would be to do the same trick, but analysing only photographs of the person on the present day. So many applications!
  6. Bullshit detector. “The internet is an advertising medium” spaketh Bryan Kennedy, CEO of Epsilon. Turns out the good old fashioned non-internet is full of bullshit too, so this time Fantasy Startup needs to design a compact, cheap device which can accurately assess if someone is knowingly telling a lie.
  7. Walking Shoes. Hear me out on this one; Shoes. That Walk. In the same sense that some electric bicycles peddle themselves, your walking shoes will walk themselves (and incidentally, they’ll walk you too) by boosting off the ground at the correct velocity to make it look like you’re doing all that walking yourself. #BeLegendary #JustDoIt #NeverSettle

— Got some ideas? Here at Fantasy Startup we’re always looking to hire amazing individuals to join our prodigiously awesome team. Drop us a message to find out more!

