Health Benefits of New Zealand Royal Gala Apples

Roosnaturefresh India
3 min readMar 28, 2019


Royal Gala Apples or as they are called the king of apples are characterized by pink skin with a hint of yellow or orange stripes. However, the color from yellow to orange varies at times. These apples are fibrous, sweet, aromatic, juicy, and sugary and often comes with white flesh. Not just in flavors, Royal Gala apples are also known for their nutritious benefits. That is the primary reason why these apples have gained a special recognition among the apples.

Royal Gala apples were initially originated in the lands of New Zealand around 1934. It is believed to be the resultant of the Red Delicious and the Golden Delicious apples. However, in the early 1980s these apples were introduced into the Australian cultivated land as well.

Let us discuss the health benefits that the New Zealand Royal Gala Apples offer.

1. Sugar: As said earlier, Royal Gala Apples are rich in sugar and sweetness. Hence, it is concluded that this particular variety of apple has a good ratio of fructose that offers a high dose of energy. For this reason, many doctors prescribe not to eat these apples in a good amount. And if the person is suffering from diabetes, it is “no” for them. However, sweet New Zealand Gala apples is always a better choice than sugary sodas, candy or processed snacks. Because these apples are riched in additional nutrients while the others are not.

2. Vitamin C: New Zealand Gala Apples are home for vitamin C. About 10mg of vitamin C present in the apple is beneficial for the immune system and has the potential to produce collagen for healthy skin and wound healing. Vitamin C also has antioxidant properties that can fight with the radical damage. This in turn acts as a resistance to different health diseases like cancer and heart disease.

3. Carbohydrates: Royal Gala apples also have a space for carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are necessary for every person. It is the primary source of energy and a large Gala apple contains almost 31gm of carbohydrates. Hence in many clinics, it is recommended to have vegetables, whole grains, and fruits including Gala apples. Finding a New Zealand Royal Gala Apples exporter and placing an order for your own benefits is always appreciable. After all, self-love is the best love.

4. Fat and Calories: Finally, for fat and calories, these apples are strongly recognized. Foods that offer low fat and low calories should always be included in the diet and so is the New Zealand Royal Gala Apple. This will content your hunger and at the same time, will control your weight. Whereas, eating foods that possess a high amount of fat and calories result in weight gain, that ultimately turns up into several health-related problems. But if you talk about a large Gala apple then it contains only 116 calories and less than 1gm of fat. That’s efficient.

New Zealand Royal Gala Apples have remarkably spread the market. Not just New Zealand and Australia, one can even access these apples in Asia, Middle East, Europe, UK, North America and Canada. Hence, if you are interested to make such purchase, then reaching a New Zealand Royal Gala Apple exporter will be a perfect choice.

