Get Ready for the Root Name Service (RNS) Launch — Your Cross-Platform Digital Identity on The Root Network
Be Early to Secure Your Identity on The Root Network: Pioneering Interoperability and Web3 Metaverse Applications, The Root Network leads the charge in integrating mainstream brands and consumers into effortless blockchain-based experiences.
Launch Date & Time
Sunday, May 19th, at 6:30 PM EDT / Monday, May 20th, at 10:30 AM NZT
What tokens do I need to register an RNS?
Registration fees can be paid using ROOT or USDC. All transaction fees within our app are currently paid in XRP by your EOA address, even when connected with your FuturePass address.
Can I register an RNS with both my FuturePass address and EOA address (Ethereum address on The Root Network)?
Yes, but it’s important to note the following:
Currently ALL gas fees are paid in XRP from your EOA address. Even if you are connected to the RNS app with your FuturePass address, gas fees will be paid from your EOA address.
Why you may ask? To enable the FuturePass to pay for gas fees we would need to implement “proxyExtrinsic” and additionally, “feeProxy” (for any gas token functionality) of which both require using an extrinsic call (Substrate transaction). However, this won’t emit any EVM event logs which are required for us to index identities, rendering it currently unusable for our protocol.
When connected with your FuturePass address:
- Gas fees are paid in XRP by the associated EOA address.
- Registration fees are paid in ROOT or USDC by the connected FuturePass address.
When registering via your FuturePass address there is no need to change connected wallets during the registration process, just ensure you have XRP in your associated EOA address for gas fees.
When connected with your EOA address:
- Gas fees are paid in XRP by the connected EOA address.
- Registration fees are paid in ROOT or USDC by the connected EOA address.
What is the price of an RNS?
RNS utilizes a tiered pricing model with registration fees listed in $USD. These fees are then converted into the 2 payment currencies USDC and ROOT. The conversion method uses pricing oracles that determine the amount of ROOT and USDC required at the time of registration relative to the $USD value of the RNS identity being registered.
If I register an RNS Identity, will it count towards any potential future Futureverse Quest?
No, any potential Futureverse Quest that may be run in the future, will not take into account any RNS Identities registered outside of a Quest.
What does “Link Identity” mean?
Linking an RNS Identity to a wallet address simply means that you are turning your long and complex address into a human readable Identity. Therefore, next time you need to send someone funds, ask them for their RNS Identity.
legend.root = 0x565f137127d9067788314bc7fcc1f36746a3c6Y7
What address can I link my RNS Identity to?
Your RNS Identity will automatically be linked to the address in which you register your RNS Identity with. You can then amend the address the RNS Identity is linked to via “My Dashboard” by clicking the 3 dots on the tile of the RNS you want to amend, and then selecting “Link Identity”.
Note: You can have multiple RNS Identities all linked to the same address.
What happens to a linked address when an RNS Identity is transferred to a new wallet?
If transferring via the RNS Dashboard you will be asked to sign 2 transactions. The first transaction is to set the receiver’s address as the new linked address, and the second transaction is to transfer the RNS Identity to the receiver’s address.
If receiving an RNS Identity that has been sent from a 3rd party website such as a marketplace, the follow may be different so please ensure to ALWAYS check the linked address matches one of your wallet addresses prior to using it to receive assets.
What does “Set as Primary” mean?
Setting an RNS Identity as “Primary” means that when you visit applications and experiences that resolve RNS Identities, your chosen “Primary” RNS Identity will be displayed within those platforms instead of your long and complex wallet address.
Note: If you have set an RNS Identity as your Primary and you transfer that RNS identity to another wallet or change the wallet address it is linked to then it will no longer be displayed as your Primary. In addition, if you have an RNS Identity that is linked to another wallet address other than the one it is held in then when you “Set as Primary” the linked address will be automatically updated to the address that the RNS is held in.
legend.root held in wallet Ox23_1234
Linked to wallet Ox23_6789
Primary = False
Then if you were to set legend.root as Primary.
New records will be:
legend.root held in wallet Ox23_1234
Linked to wallet Ox23_1234
Primary = True
Can I transfer my RNS between my FuturePass address and EOA address?
Note: Transferring an RNS will remove it as your Primary (if set).
What happens to the registration period if I sell my RNS or transfer it to a new wallet?
The registration period carries over to the new owner/wallet. For the avoidance of doubt, if you have registered your ENS for 1 year and after 3 months decide to sell your RNS or transfer it to a new wallet then the remaining 9 months registration period carries over to the new wallet/owner.
Do I save on transaction fees by registering my RNS for a longer period of time?
Yes, regardless of the duration you choose to register your RNS for, the transaction fee remains the same. That means if you choose to renew your RNS every year over a period of 5 years, you will incur a total transaction fees that are five times higher than if you had registered it just once for the entire 5-year period.
How can I contact you with a suggestion, feedback or issue?
The easiest and quickest method is via opening a Support Ticket in our Discord.
What is the registration process and how do we mitigate front-running?
The process of registering an RNS identity is designed to mitigate the risk of front-running through a three-step method involving a Reveal-Commitment Scheme. Front-running is a concern because if an RNS identity registration occurred in a single transaction, it would be vulnerable to interception; an observer could spot the registration in the transaction pool, submit a similar transaction with a higher gas fee, and thus secure the RNS identity first. To counter this, the registration process is as follows:
Step 1. Request to Register: Sign transaction to start the mandatory 60 second countdown. This process is in place to prevent others from front-running the registration by initially identifying the transaction and then submitting a higher gas fee transaction to claim the identity first. The mandatory 60 second waiting period helps to mitigate this, as they will also need to wait 60 seconds before submitting the higher gas fee transaction, which in-turn gives your transaction more time to successfully process.
Step 2. Once the 60 second countdown has completed, you will be prompted to set a spending limit, and then required to sign a transaction to approve the spend of your tokens.
Step 3. Register: You will then be prompted to sign a transaction to cover the registration fee of your RNS identity. This is the final step in registering and securing your new RNS identity.
How can I integrate RNS into my app?
Integration docs can be found at
The information provided in this article regarding the upcoming RNS digital identity launch is for general informational purposes only. All information is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information in this article.
Participants should note that blockchain activities are subject to high market risks and price volatility. You are strongly advised to perform your own due diligence and consult with a qualified professional before deciding to participate in the RNS Digital Identity launch. You should be aware of and comply with all applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction before participation and registration.
The registration of identities as digital assets involves unique risks related to digital identity, data security, and privacy. We are not liable for any outcomes related to identity breaches, theft, or loss that may occur as a result of participating in our launch.
By participating in this RNS digital identity launch, you acknowledge and agree that you have read this disclaimer, and accept all risks associated with the digital asset activities, including but not limited to the potential loss of money, data, or identity.
This article does not constitute investment, financial, legal, or other professional advice and should be read in conjunction with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policies that can be viewed at
Root Name Service