How to Test Java Programming Skills in an Interview

If you need to hire a Java programmer for your next project, then you need to know how to test their skills before doing any hiring.



Many programmers espouse their expertise in a certain programming language, yet can’t actually do any programming in it. Other programmers may claim to know all the common Java syntax and Java libraries, but are unable to program a simple algorithm using their knowledge. Even if a programmer has certificates in Java, this is no guarantee that they will be able to handle your project. What you need is real world, practical testing to eliminate the faux Java experts from your shortlist.

What is Java?

If you are hiring a Java programmer, it’s highly likely that you don’t know the language yourself or, if you do, you may only know some basics of the language. Before interviewing a programmer, it’s critical that you have a full understanding of what Java is, and what is does exactly.

Java is simply a programming platform or language that is used by millions of websites and applications for the web and also many other applications. Websites or applications that are programmed in Java won’t work unless the Java plug-in is installed on a computer or device. Luckily, it’s an extremely popular and common plug-in that is included by default in most browsers, operating systems and devices. In fact, if you have a PC, you may already be quite familiar with it. Have you ever started up your computer and seen a pop-up window or alert in your notification area that says that an update to Java is available? It’s highly likely that you have. Since so many websites and apps use Java, it’s important to pay attention to these messages.

Java, as a programming language, has been around since 1995. Java is so widely used because it has a great reputation for being secure and fast. No matter the device you use, Java is likely a part of it, whether you use a smartphone, laptop, have a server or a PC.

There’s a number of different ways you can test Java programming skills. Let’s go over a few possibilities.

Verbal Questions during Interviews

If you will be doing formal, face-to-face interviews, you can ask a range of specific questions to test the candidates’ skills. With a verbal test during an interview, you can customize the questions on the fly and even make it easier or more difficult if you feel the need, according to the person’s answers. In addition, during this live type of setting, you can customize the questions according to your specific project needs.

Sample Java Test Questions for Interviews

  • How is the concept of multiple inheritance implemented?
  • A class can implement how many interfaces?
  • Explain the difference between an interface and an abstract class. What are some similarities?
  • What is a super keyword?
  • What are wrapper classes?
  • Give some examples of legal identifiers.
  • What’s the difference between a string buffer and a string.
  • In a 1-100 array, some of the numbers are duplicates, how would you find them?
  • How are Java packages used?
  • Explain the difference between a synchronized block and a synchronized method.

Other topics to test on may include interfaces, threading, collections, operators, string handling, numbers, files, arrays, hash tables, loop control and regular expressions.

Another option is to create a paper test that includes questions related to your project. Then have your applicants come into your office and take the test. With a paper test, you have full control of the test questions and can gather a good idea of what the strengths and weaknesses are in a programmer.

Recruitment Testing Solutions

Nowadays, there are websites out there that can help you administer programming skills testing. You can have your prospective candidates take the test online before they come in for an interview or after the interview, or you can bring them into your office and have them take the test on one of your computers before or after their face-to-face interview. These websites, like, allow an employer to create a professional, accurate online test for Java. These testing solutions make the process for creating a test for the Java skills you require for your project much easier, as you can create a customized, effective test in just a few clicks. They even make it a simple process to administer the test. You can bring up the test on an in-house computer or invite programmers via email to take the test. A site like allows you to analyze the test results to give you a complete picture of the true Java programming skills of a candidate.

Regardless of what kind of project you are hiring for, implementing a testing process into your interview process is a highly effective way to find the right programmer for your job.

