Kontaktpunkt [the haptic encounter]


Rori Knudtson
3 min readJan 17, 2018

It’s as if time stopped.

Absolutely nothing else in the world matters except exactly everything here.

This material, this fluidness, opening me while closing me, has cradled a portal into a whole state. I can’t describe it. I can only feel it.

Is that velvet red, or am I only imaging it to be so? When my eyes are closed in a deep merge, it no longer matters, but I still see color in darkness. I still feel color in heat.

The texture caresses my arms, my bleeding hands, while his skin does so too in the same frequency. I can’t tell the difference anymore between either as they are merging into oneness while I am merging into oneness with both.

I’ve lost light in this space. Panels of fabric have absorbed us into secrecy and I can no longer grasp my body outside of this enclosure. I hear nothing but his breathing. I hear nothing but my thoughts. I feel nothing but completeness, of something far more vast and far more omnipresent, like an invisible infrastructure that has given us this space. The physicality is temporary as a reminder that our bodies are also, temporary.

Have I met you before somewhere as you taste familiar? Have I embraced you in a past life knowing your scent? I know your scent. I smelled it as you…

