A Non-Binary Identity or An Inclusive Future

Rory Mitchell
3 min readMay 19, 2023

Growing up, I had a binary perspective of the world, categorizing everything into black and white, good and bad, man and woman. In recent years, however, my attention has been drawn to a concept that defies this binary understanding of gender: non-binary identities. This concept, while new to me, has been around for centuries in various cultures and societies.

A few days ago, during a conversation with friends, the topic of non-binary identities came up, and it sparked my interest. I couldn’t help but ask questions about the biology of it all, drawing parallels with concepts of gene expression and hermaphroditism. I must admit, I was not trying to be insensitive; rather, I was genuinely intrigued.

To add context, my friend pointed out Taylor Mason, a character from the TV series “Billions”. A non-binary genius, Mason is one of the most intriguing characters I’ve encountered in recent television. I had always seen them as a brilliant individual but hadn’t given much thought to their gender identity until now.

In the realm of mathematics, a non-binary system goes beyond the 0s and 1s of binary code. Similarly, in gender identity, non-binary is a term used for individuals who do not identify with the traditional male or female genders. It’s a concept that, upon reflection, seemed to resonate with a deeper, more evolved…



Rory Mitchell

I'm a certified multi-hyphenate wizard on the grill, avid fisherman and tinkerer, passionate about personal growth and tech. An explorer of life's many facets!