Rory Callaghan
3 min readMar 17, 2022



  1. Find a wounded child, with a chip on their shoulder. One that lacks empathy, compassion, and love. Apathy creates a war within, then in reality.

2. Watch their anger turn into megalomania and narcissism. Cleverly disguised as “good intentions” for the benefit of all. Which really only ever benefits the few.

3. Think that you are the center of the universe and here to save everyone

4. Create a brand and a belief system )eg. Mein Kampf)

5. Wait for your opportunity to gain power

6. Create a crisis that disconnects and polarises people

7. Find someone to blame, to create a US vs THEM mentality

8. Leverage marketing to subconsciously and subliminally indoctrinate the everyday person.

9. Create another crisis, that puts people into scarcity. Creates hyperinflation and perhaps even an economic crisis

10. Convince the people in pain that you are the one to remove that pain. Eg. provide more jobs, take back our sovereignty, provide safety and security for families

11. Gain power and control in the government. Start at the bottom and work your way up.

12. Use your brand and belief system/ideology to speak to the masses.

13. When in power, control the media and censor any information with alternate views

14. Use fear, control basic resources and ensure your people live in scarcity. So that they have no other choice, but to believe in their savior. Unknowing that you created it all 10 years before.

15. Use the force, military, police, and other government bodies against anyone who rallies in peace or love. To keep people in line, using fear.

16. Attract wealthy backers, by promising them riches if they align with you.

17. Make sure that you believe in everything you say and do. There is no wavering in your purpose.

18. Use a powerful story to ensure that the people know that you are “one of them”. More emotional, the better.

19. Continue to censor information, but make sure that you start to educate the youth with ideologies and subliminal messging. They will grow up thinking their thoughts are their own.

20. Use any opportunity or crisis in the world as a way to reinforce your narrative and ideology.

21. Wait, timing is everything.

22. Perhaps create another crisis (eg, health, financial, freedom related) and ensure that everyone is actually demoralized and within your control

23. Promise them freedom from the pain you have led them into.

24. When everything is in place! take over the world. Or at least try. Until you realize that the many outweigh the few and the truth always comes to the surface in one way or another.

25. When you create conflict, make sure that everyone stays in line. Keep using fear and propaganda to reinforce the narrative.

26. Manipulate people. Throw the first punch, then continue to blame others for the way they react.


Even if you win the war, you lose. Everyone has to sleep at night. And no one ever wins, if they win at the expense of others.

My existence is deeply connected to yours. This means that what anyone does to me or you, we are doing to ourselves.

Notice the tyrants in 2022. Notice those who have profiteered or gained more power and control in the pain of the pandemoniac.

Notice patterns of behavior not words. Turn off the news and media. So your mind is free to think for itself and you can come back to the real truth in your heart. Compassion, love, empathy, forgiveness and acceptance.

Those with a hero complex will attract more heroes. Be mindful of what you are actually fighting for.

You will only ever know what you stand for when you have something that you are called to stand against.

Let’s be the generation that doesn’t let history repeat itself.

If you haven’t watched it already. It’s timely to watch the Netflix series “how to become a tyrant”. It will give you everything you ned to truly see the world right now and connect dots for yourself.



Rory Callaghan

Rory is an author, speaker, health futurist, digital nomad, and Allied Health professional, Entrepeneur and Defi Investor based in Bali,