Three Emails That Spell Trouble For Hillary Clinton

Rory Cooper
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2016

News this week broke that the Justice Department has granted immunity to Bryan Pagliano, the State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private server. Pagliano previously invoked the Fifth Amendment when called before Congress in September 2015.

ABC also reported that it’s “very likely” that Hillary Clinton herself will be called in to face questioning as a part of the FBI’s criminal investigation, in the coming weeks. It is now known that Hillary Clinton’s server had over 2,000 classified emails on her server. (Two. Thousand.)

The three emails below, among the ones that were not deleted, demonstrate how knowingly negligent Hillary Clinton acted when it came to protecting our national security.

1. The “WikiLeaks” Email

On July 25, 2010, Hillary Clinton emailed Middle East Envoy George Mitchell. The subject line was: “Here’s my personal email.” The message said: “Pls use this for reply — HRC.”

To which George Mitchell replied: “I talked with Frattini again and went over the point again. He said he understands and agrees. [CLASSIFIED] He again said he understands and agrees.”

Who is Frattini? Franco Frattini was Italy’s Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time.

What happened on July 25th? Wikileaks published 91,000 pages of classified Afgan War documents, one of the largest leaks in U.S. military history.

So on the day where thousands of classified documents on U.S. military activity in the Middle East were leaked, Secretary Clinton instructed her Middle East Envoy to have a conversation with Italy’s Foreign Minister and report it back to her.

Italy had nearly 3,000 troops and a Carrier Battle Group supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. It must be presumed that the discussion between the Middle East Envoy and the Foreign Minister would include discussion of that day’s historic national security leak that put both countries at risk.

Even under routine circumstances, that conversation is classified at the point of origination. And yet Clinton instructed Mitchell to send the details of this conversation to “my personal email.”

The classification codes that were used in this email, 1.4(b) and 1.4(d), refer to Foreign Government Information and Foreign Relations and Confidential Human Sources, respectively.

2. The “If Not Classified” Email

On April 25, 2012, Clinton aide Jake Sullivan forwards to Secretary Clinton some information from State’s Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications about infiltration of jihadi forums, online.

Secretary Clinton responds “If not classified, or otherwise inappropriate, can you send to the NYTimes reporters who interviewed me today? Copying Phillippe.”

Secretary Clinton was unsure if information she was reading on her personal email was classified or not, period. And she was not alarmed in the least bit by this lack of knowledge. And neither were her senior aides.

Sullivan gives Reines the go-ahead and he responds “music to my ears.”

Note, this may be the only instance, among thousands of classified emails, that we see Clinton even questioning if something is classified, and it’s not in the context of whether it belongs on an unsecure server at her home in Chappaqua, but rather if she can share it with the New York Times.

3. The “Secret North Korea” Email

On July 4, 2009, top aide Huma Abedin emailed Secretary Clinton…well we don’t know what she emailed her because it is entirely classified SECRET.

What we do know is that this was a day after North Korea launched short-range missiles and the same day they were launching cyber attacks against the United States, including the White House and Pentagon.

Clinton found out about the missile launches the day before also via unsecure email, after Abedin was instructed that the details could not be transmitted on an unsecure phone.

So North Korea is launching missiles and cyber attacks and Hillary Clinton isn’t in the least bit squeamish about discussing these matters on her home-brewed email server?

This and the WikiLeaks emails alone should have been red flags in themselves to clean up her cyber-security act, but instead there was casual disregard.

There are probably hundreds of more emails like these. The point is that the media has lost interest in connecting easy-to-connect dots. Simple Google searches show what was happening on these days and give insight into the conversations that were being had.

Yet the last emails to cause any type of media splash demonstrated how Hillary Clinton is unable to use her television remote or just about any other 20th century technology — just the type of person you would trust with sensitive information and a home server.

After all, Clinton did once respond to a question about the server’s security by saying it was physically guarded by Secret Service, as if that is how it works.

When asked about her emails, Clinton is always asked about it in the frame of political process. Never has an interviewer pointed to one of the many damning emails and asked her to specifically explain herself.

The FBI may not be as forgiving as the media.

Hat tip to American Commitment’s Phil Kerpen who is still doing the digging and discovered the Secret North Korea and If Not Classified emails.



Rory Cooper

Republican strategist. Husband to amazing wife, Dad to three incredible kids, pal to my dog, Detroit sports fan. Roll Wave.