Top 10 ways ChatGPT might be able to help you write better emails that convert

Rory D. Chambers
13 min readJan 5, 2023


10 Ways ChatGPT might be able to help you write better emails in 2023

Top 10 ways ChatGPT might be able to help you write better emails that convert


We’ve all been there: you sit down to write an email, and you have no idea what to say next. You stare at your screen blankly, trying to come up with something interesting or compelling enough to keep your recipient reading.

It’s a common issue that affects even the best communicators in the world — and it’s not something that can be solved with simple tips and tricks.

But what if you had access to an AI that could help? We’re not talking about some canned template with pre-written text; we’re talking about an AI that understands how humans communicate and can use that knowledge to help you write better emails.

That’s exactly what ChatGPT is — a language model developed by OpenAI that might be able to help you write better emails!

In this post, we’ll discuss how ChatGPT might be able to help you write better emails that convert.

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence research company. It was created using the same technology that enables chatbots and voice assistants like Siri and Alexa. In essence, it can read and understand sentences written in plain English, and then use what it learned to predict what will come next.

In fact, there are already many applications for ChatGPT. For example, if you need to send an email that needs to sound professional or friendly (or both), you can use ChatGPT to analyze your email’s content and suggest edits that will make it sound more natural and conversational — without sacrificing professionalism or friendliness.

This can help you avoid making rookie mistakes like using too many exclamation points or ending your sentences with an unnecessary question mark.

Here are the 10 ways ChatGPT might be able to help you write better emails:

1. Help you repurpose your articles into attention-grabbing emails.

Repurposing your articles into attention-grabbing emails is a great way to increase the visibility of your content and drive more traffic to your website.

What is Repurposing?

Repurposing is taking a piece of content that was originally written for one channel (like an article) and tweaking it so it fits another channel (like an email). The goal is always to make sure the content still provides value while also fitting its new channel well enough that people will read it there as well.

Email marketing has been proven to be one of the most effective digital marketing strategies, with an ROI of 4500%. If you are not already using email marketing, there’s no better time than now to add it to your strategy.

The best way to convert visitors into subscribers is to create content that is useful to them. But how do you know what’s useful?

That’s where a tool like ChatGPT comes in. It can help you find out what people are interested in by analyzing their comments and responses on social media, blogs and forums.

2. Find the right angle to write about a topic you’ve been thinking about for a long time.

You know what you want to write about, but you can’t find the right angle? Or do you have a great idea but are not sure how to present it in a way that will make people read it?

In the past, I’ve always struggled with this problem. I used to think that there was only one way to describe something. That’s why I used to write boring emails and articles.

But then I discovered ChatGPT and it changed everything!

ChatGPT is an app that allows you to write better emails by giving you 5 different angles for any topic or idea. It’s like having five different minds working together on your emails — each one thinking about the same thing from a different perspective.

Writing emails can be a challenge. You have to think of a subject line, format your email correctly and then write the content. It’s not easy, but it’s something we all have to do in our professional lives.

But what if there was a way to make writing your emails easier? What if there was a tool that could help you write better emails faster? Well, there is — I’m talking about ChatGPT.

I think you’ll find ChatGPT useful if you are looking for ways to write better emails faster and make email marketing more effective.

3. Create an email sequence for your newsletter. The problem with email marketing automation is that it’s hard to keep up.

You have to write, schedule and send emails manually. If you want to create an email sequence for your newsletter, you have to do all this with different tools. That’s why we created ChatGPT. It helps you automate your newsletters and get more subscribers by creating an email sequence for each one of them.

Create an email sequence for your newsletter:

You can create a newsletter for every segment of your audience — from those who just signed up to those who already bought from you. Then use ChatGPT to create an automated sequence where each subscriber gets the right message at the right time.

Email marketing is a great way to grow your business, but it can be time-consuming. If you’re sending out newsletters or other marketing emails, you might find yourself spending hours on each one.

But if you use ChatGPT, you can easily create an email sequence for your newsletter.

What is an email sequence?

A sequence is a group of emails that are sent out automatically at certain intervals. For example, a weekly newsletter could be sent out on Mondays and Thursdays at noon.

Or a monthly newsletter could be sent out on the first day of every month. Sequences can also be used to send out emails based on user actions or events (such as subscribing to your list).

4. Write cold emails that actually convert. Cold emailing can be a great way to get your business in front of potential clients and customers.

But if you’re like most people, it’s something that you dread doing. It’s time-consuming, there’s no guarantee it will work, and even if it does, it can be difficult to keep track of all the responses.

What if we told you there’s another way? Instead of sending out individual emails, why not send out a blast to your entire mailing list at once? This is what ChatGPT allows you to do.

Whether you’re a salesperson, a freelancer or an entrepreneur, cold emailing is a necessary part of your business. But if you’re not doing it right, your emails can be ignored, deleted or worse — they can land in the spam folder.

If you’ve ever sent out an email to a prospect and gotten no response, it’s probably because you were using the wrong approach. When it comes to cold emailing and sales copywriting, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

But what if you could write emails that convert?

What if there was a tool that helped you get more responses from your cold emails?

There is. It’s called ChatGPT (which stands for “guarantee personal touch”). It’s a tool that helps you write better and faster emails so you can get more responses from cold pitches.

5. Generate questions to ask your audience through surveys or interviews.

The best way to find out what your audience wants is to ask them.

ChatGPT is an awesome tool to get feedback from your audience. It’s a chatbot that helps you create surveys and capture feedback on your website or blog. The best thing about ChatGPT is that it’s free and it allows you to generate questions for your audience in seconds.

Here are three ways you can use ChatGPT:

Surveys — Create a survey with multiple-choice answers and ask your audience what they think about a topic or product. You can also use this tool to ask open-ended questions for more detailed feedback.

Interviews — Create an interview with multiple questions, where each question has an answer option such as Yes or No, or Fill in the Blank (i.e., What is your favourite colour?). You can also add an optional comment field for each question. This feature allows people to express their opinion without being limited by predefined answer options.

Q&A — Ask questions in real time directly from your website or blog using ChatGPT’s chat box widget! Use this feature when you have something specific in mind that people may have trouble expressing themselves (i.e., What do you think about our new T-shirt design?).

6. Create your email copy from scratch and make it sound like you wrote it yourself, not someone else.

The average American spends about 12 hours a day looking at screens. That’s a lot of time spent reading, writing and responding to emails.

Writing email copy is a skill. It takes time to learn, but it can be mastered.

Some people have it down pat right away and others don’t. But whether you’re new to email marketing or have been doing it for years, there are some things that you can do to make your emails sound more like they came from the heart of your business and less like they came from a stale template or software application.

Most people write their own emails. They don’t copy and paste from a template or use a formulaic “fill in the blank” email.

If you’re writing sales emails that are full of pre-written phrases and stock responses, you’re missing out on an opportunity to connect with your customers on a personal level and make them feel like they’re important to you.

When you write your sales emails from scratch, it shows your customers that you care about what they want — not just what you want to sell them.

7. Make your email copy flow better by adding details, examples, or anecdotes where needed.

When it comes to writing email copy, there’s a good chance that you’re either overthinking it or not thinking enough.

Email marketing is a very effective way to get your message across, but if you’re not careful, your emails can read like an endless list of links and calls to action. Your subscribers might open your emails, but they might not necessarily read them all the way through.

This is why it’s so important for your emails to flow naturally from one section to another, with the reader being pulled along by the story you’re telling — even if that story is just a simple call to action at the end of the email.

The most important thing to remember when writing email copy is that you need to keep your audience in mind. The more specific you can be with your message, the better.

Keep these tips in mind as you write:

Make your email flow better by adding details, examples, or anecdotes where needed. This will help engage recipients by making the email more personal and relatable.

If you’re sending out a marketing campaign or newsletter, try offering a relevant discount or promotion to get people’s attention. You could even add a call-to-action button that leads directly to your website or another landing page on your site that contains more information about the offer.

Add social media links or share buttons if you want people to share your content with their friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other networks.

This can be especially effective if you’re sending out something exclusive (like an event invite) or something personal (like a birthday card).

You don’t always have to use plain text when writing emails; sometimes it’s better for readers if you use some bolding or italics here and there to highlight certain words or phrases. Just be careful not to overdo it — too much formatting can make an email look cluttered and hard to read

8. Write your first-ever business email without feeling stuck every step of the way!

Writing a business email can be daunting. You’re writing to someone you don’t know, and you have no idea how they’ll react to what you’re sending.

This is especially true when you’re writing to someone in a professional capacity — whether it’s your manager or a potential client. And yet, it’s also true when you’re writing to anyone at all: It’s hard to know exactly what tone to strike with each person and situation.

How do you make sure you’re coming across the right way?

Here’s the good news: You don’t have to worry about that anymore! ChatGPT is an OpenAI application that allows anyone to fast-track their email writing process. this application will have you looking like a pro, with well-written emails that you can edit and add your brand voice to cater to your audience.

But first things first: what should your email say? What’s the purpose of this email?

Before you begin writing, it’s important to know what exactly you want to get out of this message. What is your goal? Is it to set up a meeting, ask for an interview or get feedback on a project proposal?

Your objective should be clear and specific so that you can easily determine whether or not your goal has been accomplished after sending the email.

Who is this email intended for?

It’s also helpful to have a general idea of who will be reading your message and what their interests are — especially if they’re someone with whom you haven’t yet had any personal contact.

Knowing their background and interests will help you tailor your message accordingly so that it will resonate with them more effectively. For example, if you’re writing an email asking for feedback on a video game concept, mentioning how much time they spend playing games or talking about other hobbies might help them relate to you better!

9. ChatGPT might help you come up with email subject lines that’ll increase open rates and drive clicks (and purchases!).

When it comes to email marketing, the subject line is arguably the most important element of your campaign. It has to be compelling enough to make someone want to click on it and read more, but not so gimmicky that it turns people off.

Sadly, coming up with good subject lines is not a skill that’s easily learned — at least not in the way we’d like it to be.

We know that there are certain things that work better than others when it comes to subject lines (like using numbers or adding punctuation), but they’re still somewhat unpredictable.

If you’re not using ChatGPT in your email marketing, you should be. ChatGPT is a service that generates subject lines for you. It’s based on psychology and data science and it can help you generate email subject lines that are better than anything you could come up with on your own.

Email marketing is a staple of many businesses’ marketing efforts because it’s cheap, easy to set up, and highly effective. According to the DMA, “Email has an ROI of $38 for every dollar spent,” which is why it’s so important to get your emails opened and clicked on.

I’ve been using ChatGPT for over a year now and it’s helped me automate my email marketing campaigns and improve my open rates, click-throughs and sales. It also helps you come up with subject lines that’ll get people to open your emails — and buy from you!

10. Provide useful suggestions on how you can optimize any part of your sales funnel, including landing pages and checkout flows!

ChatGPT might provide useful suggestions on how you can optimize any part of your sales funnel, including landing pages and checkout flows!

ChatGPT can help you with:

  1. Landing pages — ChatGPT might provide useful suggestions on how you can optimize any part of your sales funnel, including landing pages and checkout flows!
  2. Checkout flow — ChatGPT will analyze your current checkout flow and give you recommendations on how to improve it. If a customer is abandoning their cart, ChatGPT will ask them why they are doing it and then offer some solutions.
  3. Invoicing — ChatGPT can automatically generate invoices based on the information provided by your customers (e.g. subscription plan).

ChatGPT does not just allow you to see where your customers are dropping off. It also provides suggestions for how you can improve your website based on data about what other marketers have done in similar situations.

The ChatGPT bot is an intelligent assistant that helps you manage your sales funnel by suggesting ways to improve conversion rates. It also provides analytics and a heatmap to help you understand how users interact with your website.

How it works:

The first step is to create a free account on the ChatGPT website. Once you’re logged in, click “Start a conversation.” The bot will ask for permission to access your website, and then show you its analysis of your site’s performance.

What does it do?

The ChatGPT chatbot analyzes all aspects of your site, from visitor engagement to bounce rate and conversion rate. It also offers suggestions for improving various parts of your sales funnel such as landing pages, checkout flows and more!

For example, if you sell a product that has a high refund rate, ChatGPT might suggest that you change the order form so that it asks for more information from the customer. This is just one example of the many ways in which ChatGPT can help you increase your profits.

ChatGPT by OpenAI is changing how we write emails in 2023 and beyond


ChatGPT is an interesting concept and one that might prove beneficial to many people. E-mail can be troublesome sometimes, especially when it’s required to follow all sorts of grammar rules that make it hard to get your point across, especially if you aren’t the best writer.

ChatGPT is not a perfect substitute for human writing, but it could help save some time and effort in email correspondence. ChatGPT can be extremely useful in several ways. It can often come up with a novel sentence structure that you would have never thought of and might do well as an original opening to a conversation.

Whether you’re writing an email or copywriting and having trouble finding the right way to say something, ChatGPT can give you plenty of suggestions. It’s almost like having a writing partner giving you feedback on your ideas.

In addition, using it as an editing tool is helpful as well. You can paste some text into the box and see what kind of options you come out with for re-phrasing or restructuring your sentences for better flow.



Rory D. Chambers

Business Coach, Writer & Freelance Email Copywriter, helping online entrepreneurs and purpose-driven businesses grow their sales, profit and impact the world.