The Green Army: A Very Modern Farce

Rory Hanrahan
2 min readFeb 16, 2024

The latest fad among military top brass seems to be their newfound enthusiasm for all things eco-friendly. Suddenly, our admirals, air marshals, and generals have become the poster children for the net-zero movement. But one can’t help but wonder: is this really the kind of leadership we need in our armed forces?

In their infinite wisdom, it appears that the military’s solution to reducing pollution is simply to have fewer ships, planes, and tanks. The plan seems to be to slash defense capabilities so drastically that soon the Royal Air Force will be reduced to a fleet of gliders and a handful of drones armed with leaflets politely asking enemies to cease hostilities.

Let’s not forget about the Royal Navy. With our steel industry virtually extinct, we might as well dust off the blueprints for wooden warships and embrace the age of sail once again. Kudos to the Navy for already taking steps to reduce emissions with their new aircraft carriers, which seem to spend more time in port than at sea.

But while the military jumps on the eco-bandwagon, the rest of the world continues to churn out carbon emissions at an alarming rate. China, for instance, is opening coal-fired power stations left and right, making our efforts to green the military seem like a drop in the ocean.

Speaking of drops in the ocean, let’s address the elephant in the room: climate change. Or rather, the lack thereof. The current climate hysteria conveniently ignores the fact that weather patterns have always…



Rory Hanrahan

Small business owner, Irish living in Oxfordshire happily married to a woman far to good for me. Faugh a Ballagh