3 min readSep 27, 2017

Dip & Flip – Dip & Flip burger (with extra bacon & green chilli)

Cheeseburger served with sliced roast beef, dunked in gravy. Served with ketchup, mustard, pickles and slaw.

Dip & Flip has long been one of my favourite burger joints in London. It’s hard shakes, poutine, and of course the double dunked roast meat with a side of gravy, all provided USPs (casual sales lingo!) that made Dip & Flip stand apart from its competition. However, with such excellence comes popularity and eventual expansion, so I headed down to Tooting to see whether one of their newer locations could maintain the stellar standards set by their original in Battersea Rise.

Put simply, the answer is not quite, but that would not do justice to this behemoth of a burger. I’ve long said that my only criticism of Dip & Flip is that the gravy could be thicker and this is the case once again, but I would also say that the bun is not as soft as I remembered it, and the purists among you might be disappointed by the lack of pink hue through the Patty.

Having said that, this burger has so much flavour that you are happy to overlook these minor shortcomings without a second glance. The gravy not only adds a delightfully rich flavour to the burger, but it also shoots down any potential issues with the bun. Use that bowl of gravy as though it is holy water for your burger. It will thank you by holding its shape perfectly.

With so many potential distractions, this burger carries out the balancing act with the poise of a tight rope walker. The slaw, enhanced by the ketchup and mustard, had a slight sweetness, but this was balanced out by the creaminess of the cheese. They use squeeze cheese at Dip & Flip which is a bold move, but don’t be disheartened before you try it, because it is plentiful, it is deliciously creamy, and ensures that the slow eaters out there will never have to worry about that melted dollop of heaven congealing on them.

As for the toppings? Well I went for roast beef. It was layer upon layer of thinly sliced tenderness. Absolutely ideal. I went for additional bacon and green chillis which were a great touch (pats self on back). The bacon was perfectly crispy throughout, and the chillis came uncooked which ensured that they added a crunch and a long slow tingle of heat.

Whilst this burger does not quite compete with the dizzying heights of the Battersea Rise branch, it is still large, well balanced, and delicious. A word of warning though. This might not be the ideal first date location because it is one messy mofo. You need that gravy bowl to catch all the drippings, and you will get gravy all over your hand and face. Having said that, if your date unhesitatingly dives straight in, embracing the delicious mess, then you may well have found marriage material…


I’m just a man. A guy, really. In search of the perfect burger. Why? A burger is a metaphor for life. Welcome to the RorReport!